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    Seedling Dead?! Please Help

    I can't bro, I can't dig it back up it will die, but just the shell of the seed came off when i touched it.
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    Seedling Dead?! Please Help

    it's been 2-3 days and i was worried that my seedling was messed up because I over watered or something, but when I was looking for the seeds. one of the seeds shell came off really easy. but the roots are getting very long. is it dead? should I germ more seeds to replace them?
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    Seeling question, please help!!!

    Yeah I'm trying out in a 5 gallon, I hope it's not too hard you know? but I just sprayed a little bit and I just watered it so when I put my finger in it's moist throughtout the soil pretty much. it's only a seedling so i hope it's not too much I hope it pops out in a couple days.
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    Seeling question, please help!!!

    how much should I water? they just germed they are in 5 gallon pots.
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    Seeling question, please help!!!

    Okay thanks guys, I'm just nervous because it's my first grow and I'm trying to figure everything out. I'll just spray the top of the soil until it dries out. ^^
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    Seeling question, please help!!!

    I germed 2 seeds, (nirvana blue mystic) and I just put them in the soil, I don't want to over water to rot the root. i've spraying the top of the spoil with bottled water, is this method effective? because as soon as the soil drys out i spray more. I'm also using a 400 watt hps light.
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    I purhcased this 400 watt hps htg supply and my ballast is getting hot is this normal? because I'm keeping it on 24/7. and it's the 3rd day.:joint:
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    Anyone ever used Fox Farm?

    Im planing on growing in a week when I get my seeds. I'm getting fox farm nutes. Tiger bloom and big bloom. I'm going to be using ocean forest soil And just water for a month no nutes until flowering, is my method effective? How much should I use for nutes? Half dosage? Please help, and thanks
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    Grow Tent Light

    I bought this tent and setup and I'm also using a 400 watt hps. Can you please tell me if it's a fire hazard or I need a bigger tent? or this tent is good enough space?
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    Grow Pots (please help)

    Hey, I've purhcased these 5 Gallon pots from and I was wondering if these were okay to grow in?
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    Vent question

    I have a 4x2x1.5 grow tent and it's next to my window with a window fan. I'm currently using a 400 watt hps bulb, if I just put a fan in the grow tent, would that cover it for ventalation?
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    Grow setup question

    Is this tent big enough or 2 females? throughout the whole grow cycle? with a 400 watt hps light? thanks guys :)bongsmilie
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    THC concentration

    People breeded more and have new technology you would be surprised what kind of equipment they use. it's just like technology everything just keeps getting better and better :)
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    final pot size help please

    I'd put it into a 5 Gallon Pot bro, if you want her roots to spread because small pots will just stop it's potential growth
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    Grow tent

    I would just want 2 blue mystic seeds. but yeah just normal pot plants no scrog
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    Grow tent

    How many plants could I fit in this tent? could I fit 2 you think?
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    Grow tent question please help

    how many do you think i can fit in there with a 400 hps watt light in that tent
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    Please help grow tent

    what if I just get a Ona block and have a febreeze plug in air freshner with good vanalation going through the window in my tent?
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    Please help grow tent

    The reason why I only want to grow one northern light plant is because I live in a place called the ymca and i live in the 3rd floor and i'm a resident and i don't know when the lord will come in or not because he just came in to check the temperature so i'm trying to see if i could maybe hide...
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    Please help grow tent

    I was thinking about growing 1 plant in this a northern light plant and with a 400 watt hps light system with ballast, i was wondering if it would work out alright.