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  1. William99

    Question about LST (low stress training)

    Thanks man. So I tie it down gradually, right? And I leave it down until the end? (harvest?)
  2. William99

    Newbie question: sufficient lighting

    I just wanted to run something by you more experienced growers..... I have a 3 foot tall Rubbermaid Cabinet lined with mylar......I am using a High Output T5 - 2 foot light fixture with 2 bulbs at 55 watts each bulb. According to the specs its about 5000 lumen per bulb, so about 10,000 lumen...
  3. William99

    Question about LST (low stress training)

    Can it be done at anytime during the grow? I am about to go to a 12/12 to flower, is it too late?
  4. William99

    heat/reflection question

    I just picked up a 25' roll of thick mylar at the local grow shop for $14....not sure how you would have spent $50. Check online. I'll bet you find other less expensive options.
  5. William99

    What is the worst punishment youve recieved?

    Is this for only weed related run-ins? If so.....I got nothing. If its just legal punishment in general, 6 months time and then 3 years informal probation.
  6. William99

    Question about transplanting a plant

    I have a plant that is about 5 weeks old and in a relatively small pot (I think) So I went to the local grow shop and bought some soil and a larger pot and I am going to move her to the new pot sometime in the next couple of days...... .....any advice? Anything I need to make sure I do or...
  7. William99

    Question about venting grow cabinet

    Thats all I needed to know.....thanks man
  8. William99

    Question about venting grow cabinet

    Cool. Thanks for that. So vent the top and open up the bottom a little somehow and that should do the trick?
  9. William99

    Question about venting grow cabinet

    I have a small fan I was going to put inside to move air around for the plant. I was more concerned about venting the enclosure. I dont want to have to open it unnessecarily day to day. What do you think?
  10. William99

    Question about venting grow cabinet

    Newb question here..... I am going to set up a small grow space (for one plant) in a cabinet and I was thinking about attaching a computer style fan through the side wall to vent. Is it better to vent the fresh are in or the stank air out?
  11. William99

    4 weeks into veg

    Holy shit man......thats some serious bush action! Whats your secret?????
  12. William99

    about 1 month in!

    Pennywise knows whats up. Good lookin' out for us noobs man. Much appreciated.
  13. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    I have it all set up in a 3' tall Rubbermaid cabinet, so its not a ton of room. But you think a 2' T5 (with 2 tubes) and a couple of CFLs on each side is under powered? When I am ready to flower I need to change the bulbs out and go on a 12/12 cycle (from what I understand) , correct? When do...
  14. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    I got the 2' fluorescent from HTG Supply and they provided me with the 6500K and the 2700K so I am covered there. My only other question is this: on the pack of seeds (DNA Genetics - Chocolope) it says the flowering period is 8-9 weeks. I think I am just looking for clarification on that. Its...
  15. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    I have a 2' T5 (two light) overhead and a couple of 26 watt CFLs on each side. That should be good enough shouldnt it? I have no nutrients yet.
  16. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    So where do I go from here? Does she look OK? I am a total newb so any and all help would be great.
  17. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    So start at 18 on and 6 off for how long? Anything else I should know going in?
  18. William99

    Rescued a plant - need advise

    I have a plant thats about 3 weeks old. I rescued it from someone else that didn't want to put in the work and invest in adequate lighting. I am going to get the grow space and lights set up tomorrow night and I want to see this plant through. Up until now she hasnt got the proper lighting she...