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  1. stoned16

    Enviro Light

    well you wont need 2 different bulbs if u get full spectrum lites..To get enuf light to flower under cfls you'd need at least 450w(actual wattage)..Im a bit of a noob but my set up is 1x125x 2x200w ecolite cfls
  2. stoned16

    Is it slows down real bad ?

    yeah u havent near enuf lites...u should at least double!!And im not an expert but i think feeding them 3times a day is way to much
  3. stoned16

    Questions about my first grow plans

    im no pro but for the size of the grow space a 600w hps would produce massive amounts of heat!!you could do it but you'd need some ventilation system
  4. stoned16

    125 watt cfl for grow

    a singe 125w ecolite cfl is not enough to flower 2-3 plants.It'll do for veg but the plant just woudnt fill out with bud.I'll be flowering with 1 125w and 2 200w cfls
  5. stoned16

    Auto AK-47 (CFL) (Lowlife Seeds)

    Well the best light for autos is 20/4 but u prob cud just grow dem in a veg room with a few "warm lights"
  6. stoned16

    growing under cfl's

    k thanks man!and do u think ive enough lites in grow space is 1.5ftwidth x2.5ft heigth x 2.5ft long??
  7. stoned16

    i've crossed over to cfl

    fuck that man,go with the cfls,nothin wrong with them!! peace
  8. stoned16

    growing under cfl's

    Hi, I live at home and my pops is letting me grow a few plants since he smokes a lil' bit himself and it'll be my first grow.Im plannin on growing Lowryder auto ak-47,vegging and flowering will be done under 2x125w ecolite cfls.This strain veg's in 14days and flowers for growing in soil...
  9. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    so a cool white is what i would use for vegging because it emits blue light and i would use a warm white for flowering because it emits red light???am i right...
  10. stoned16

    Green House Seed Co. Dirtass Company

    Anyone know what dr.chronic seeds are like?
  11. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    no one wanna get back to me on this???
  12. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    oh and also this is another noob question...what does 2700k and 5000k etc. mean!i no it has something to do with the spectrum of the lights but wot does it mean in weed growing terms...any info is a great help.thanks
  13. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    do u think a 150w full spectrum envirolite cfl would be enough to veg a plant or two in a stealth grow box,and then add another one the exact same for flowering..and if i picked up some of those lowlife auto-ak47 seeds would i need to LST them (my grow box height is 2foot).And with those lights...
  14. stoned16

    How to grow weed in your room woth out anyone knowing

    wow just read this hole thread,fair fucks FIELD OF DREAMS!!!inspiration man!! peace
  15. stoned16

    10ft Tall,16ft wide and in a pot

    haha this post is funny.give the guy a break i think his plants are great..hope more pics are up of them peace
  16. stoned16

    Wierd plant !!!!! massive!!!!!

    please post pics man!!
  17. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    yeah i was planning on growing from seed simply because none of my friends are growing at the moment and have no cuttings.that plan sounds good.thanks. any other info welcome
  18. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    wow thanks man!!i never even new that growfaq was there..i figured out my grow box will have height restrictions and i no about low stress training but it seems a bit there any strain i can pick that just does not grow over 2foot??thanks peace
  19. stoned16

    small cfl grow questions

    hi, im new to the whole world of growing but have been smoking years...Since im a newb at this i am wondering is it worth my while just growing 1 plant under cfl's...i have a pretty tight budget and cfls seem to be the cheapest option.Since its my first grow it'll be more of an experiment..i...