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  1. MonkE

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    You can kinda see the frost here... I'll post better pics when it comes outa the jars.
  2. MonkE

    Removing Fan leaves befor harvest ?

    I thin leaves over a whole grow to allow light penetration to lower buds and neighboring plants. The rest of the leaves (fans included) stay on until it's been hanging a bit, then fan leaves come off and it goes back up. Sugar leaves come off after some time in the jars.
  3. MonkE

    Dude, what the f

    Sounds like you're getting close. Pistils will turn well before harvest on some strains. You really can't use them as a guide. The flushing likely had a hand in the accelerated browning too.
  4. MonkE

    Smoke mold infested weed?

    Peroxide doesn't kill mold.. Or rather, it's extremely ineffective and will cause some molds to replicate quicker.
  5. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    The only gain for YOU is wierd taste. Did you use the same curing process for flushed weed as you did for the unflushed? It sounds to me like your inability to complete the process has supplied you with an incomplete view on this method. Secondly... Your plants stop growing for the last week or...
  6. MonkE

    Smoke mold infested weed?

    Don't take a chance with mold. If you don't remove all the living spores the mold can establish itself in your lungs and cause a nasty infection. Trying to make edibles from moldy weed can prove more dangerous as ingesting these spores can be fatal. On top of this.. If you end up with a toxic...
  7. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    Really...? Greed? Someone who flushes does so to make their bud taste better and will generally dry out their bud over a week. I, someone who doesn't flush, enjoy better yields while taking the extra time during curing (no less than 3 weeks) to achieve a proper end product. My process...
  8. MonkE

    Its another are they ready thread.

    Or cbn? I'm rethinking the whole heavy amber thing the past couple days...
  9. MonkE

    help harvest!?

    Well I hope you enjoy it :) Send me a PM if you have any questions during curing... It's quickly becoming my main focus and it's my intent to make it "my thing", so I'm happy to help.
  10. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    I don't up my ppm I just increase the frequency of feeding. I use two gallon pots so the plants are able to dry them out quicker as they reach later stages of flower, which allows me to water more. Coco is also hard to over water the further into flower the plant is.
  11. MonkE

    Its another are they ready thread.

    Aww..... :(
  12. MonkE

    Its another are they ready thread.

    Looks ok to chop if you like.. Wouldn't hurt to wait another week, but that would be based strictly on your preference. Check on it every day before the lights go out if you do wait.
  13. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    I don't doubt it would help. But it's the wrong way to do it. You can starve and stunt your plant in order to get some improvement. Or you can properly feed your plant and properly cure it for better yields and a better taste. I suppose you could flush and properly cure... But it would be...
  14. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    Shiva I assume so, which is exactly what I do. My ppm usually sits around 700-800 for the full grow. My plants get what they need and nothing more. I'm asking him to expand on it to see if he has any more detailed information or support for the idea. It's always nice learning more technical...
  15. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    k0ijn Could you expand more on "critical state"? I've never actually heard the term and a quick stomp through google yielded nothing but nonsense about power plants blowing up...
  16. MonkE

    help harvest!?

    Resin is also pulled from the stems and trunk to help maintain moisture in the outer cells. Results in an amazing boost to scent and makes the buds extra sticky.
  17. MonkE

    Problems with clones.. NEVER BEFORE!!!

    At what point do they start to die?
  18. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    From what I've been seeing, organic doesn't seem to have the edge it used to in regards to quality... Maybe because of advancements in chemical ferts Maybe because the genetics have been supported so far back by chemical ferts and adapted that their more used to them Maybe more people are...
  19. MonkE

    help harvest!?

    I think you picked a fine time to harvest. Next time you should consider leaving the plant whole for a few days at least before you break up into smaller sections and ultimately move to jars.Overall though.. Looks tasty :). Good job! What strain is that? Kinda looks like a northern lights cross.
  20. MonkE

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    Fletch Joy... One more for the list of guys who simply fail in the end. Don't worry though... Even a few of RIU's "knowledgable" contributors are in the same boat. Let me guess... Your biggest concern with a long cure is mold? So you speed up the process in order to avoid that issue... Oh and...