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  1. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    I found them mostly on the lower buds. Haven’t seen any on the top buds yet.
  2. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    I’ve read if I open the bracts on each plant and there’s a seed inside they have pollinated? The fact that all the hairs on each plant are already brown makes me think they have. Don’t want to waste time and money if there no good
  3. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    No they didn’t mate and I picked them straight off. Wasn’t sure if all the brown hairs on the plants was down to pollination tho. Worried there all fucked. Couldn’t find anything at all apart from them 3 nanas
  4. J

    Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?

    Really don’t know what to do. All my plants have quite a lot of brown pistols on them. Only found 3 nanas on the front Pineapple Express plant. Couldn’t find anything on the back two. What should I do! There’s some strange markings on the stems now aswell which I have no idea what they are?
  5. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch help!

    My girls are 4 weeks into flower from when I saw pistols. The branch’s have just started to look like they are in the pics which I don’t know what’s happening. And I’ve find a few bananas on the front right plant. I’ve checked the others but they have nothing on them. What should I do??
  6. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Il keep u updated with pics dude. Hopefully everything goes smoothly!
  7. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Did your pineapple get a lot of brown hairs around 4 weeks? And yea it’s got a led light built into it aswell so I can just put it against my buds very easy to use!
  8. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Yea my carbon filter is amazing mate it lets out no smell at all! Which is lucky for me lol. I did super bud autos last grow and looked really nice. Got 4 ounce dry weight of each plant. Was a nice smoke. Hopefully they all swell up in the next 2 weeks then! Going to flush them for a week soon...
  9. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    I first saw hairs about 28th October so I’m around 3.5/4 weeks into flower mate. Think there gna swell up in the next few weeks? Every time I poke my head in that tent it blows my eyebrows off lol love the smell. Did autos last grow dude so this 2nd one has been a big learning curve for me...
  10. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Thank you mate! Always nice to hear positive feedback from all my hard work. All 3 plants have a fair few brown hairs on them now. I checked the trichomes on the buds (not the sugar leafs) and there all still clear so I’m thinking they have a fair few weeks left yet. My carbon filter is a god...
  11. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Yeah I thought I was around 4.5 weeks mate but they started budding about 1st of November. So they shud have another 4 weeks left in them yet. Thanks mate only my 2nd grow so I panic over nothing lol
  12. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    Just realised I thought I’m a lot further on in flower than i am. I flipped 12/12 on 19th October. And budlets didn’t really form til 4th of November. So possibly 3 weeks into flower?
  13. J

    Pineapple Express #2 & purple p.

    I’ve grown in clay pebbles in a Wilma system. Led Mars hydro ts1000 light. Used hydro max veg and bloom and also using the vita link turbo for the boost. My ph sits at around 6.3. Really not sure if my buds are under developed. I’m 4.5 weeks in from when I first saw pistols. Checked all the...
  14. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    Was urs the purple punch mate? Both my strains say there done in around 8 weeks which doesn’t give them long left. There 5 weeks from flip and 4 weeks from seeing pistols
  15. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    Got 4 oz dry weight of each plant last grow and they was from autos! Just hope these girls start to pack on more weight over the next 2 weeks. Gna be gutted if they don’t. Yea I quite like the light tbh mate . Just starting to worry there as big as there gna get lol
  16. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    I’ve got a Mars hydro ts1000 led light mate
  17. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    Here’s a quick update. The purple punch seems really slow on bud growth at the minute. And the pineapple are getting a fair few brown hairs already. Checked the trichomes and there all still see through. Hoping they start packing on some size soon.
  18. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    Do they stack on most of their weight in the upcoming weeks? Cos the pineapple are getting a nice size already
  19. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    It’s the Pineapple Express g13 mate. Yea I vegged the pineapple for 5 weeks defo could of vegged longer. Hopefully will still get a nice yield. This is only my 2nd grow .
  20. J

    Pineapple Express and purple punch

    Hey guys can u let me know if these seem ok for 5 weeks from when I flipped them into flower. The two on the left are Pineapple Express and the one on the right is purple punch . There only short flowering times so not sure if they shud be bigger at this point