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  1. Entheogenic Shaman

    yhas your product arrived yet?
  2. Entheogenic Shaman

    what about a proposition for recreational use?

    HR 5843 and HR 5842 are currently in committee for debate. The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act is going to be put to a vote in 2010. This would allow personal use of marijuana, put it in liquor stores and legalize growth for medical and indistrial use.
  3. Entheogenic Shaman

    Support HR 5843 and HR 5842

    The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act goes before the voters in 2010. It would put marijuana in liquor stores, tax it and allow growth for medical and industrial use. I think that one has a VERY good chance of passing.
  4. Entheogenic Shaman

    Support HR 5843 and HR 5842

    Bump Muy importante
  5. Entheogenic Shaman

    yes i did. Have you tried it?
  6. Entheogenic Shaman

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    I was also looking into the single plant 5 gal set ups. Is it possible to run multiple 5 gallons off a single pump?
  7. Entheogenic Shaman

    I am also in the states. Thanks for the heads up. What did ya get? I ordered some G13/Haze and White Rhino.
  8. Entheogenic Shaman

    I placed an order with today. I will post when I do or dont get my seeds.
  9. Entheogenic Shaman

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Could you veg 2-4 plants in one of these for a month or so, till they get about 18-24" then move the plant to seperate container for flowering?
  10. Entheogenic Shaman

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    You may have answered this question already, but it is such a long thread, I couldnt find it in there. Would it be possible to make this setup with a reservoir and run 3 or more boxes off of a single air and water pump? Also, do the roots tend to tangle in thse units? Thanks
  11. Entheogenic Shaman

    So where do we stand?

    Here is a link to email your congressman about this issue. Support HR5843 and HR5842 | Support HR5842 & 5843
  12. Entheogenic Shaman

    Yet again Salvia

    If you are going to try purple sticky and have never used salvia before, try the lower doses and take a small amount to start with. I tried the purple sticky 40X and got lost in space and melded with my chair. It was a trippiy experience. I would recommend putting some good music in the ipod and...
  13. Entheogenic Shaman

    legal marjuana

    There are other herbs that you can get a buzz from, lions tail, wild dagga, salvia, wormwood extract etc. I would advise anyone wanting to try these other herbs to do your homework on what kinds of effects to expect and how long they last. I personally like salvia, but it can be a very heavy...
  14. Entheogenic Shaman

    So where do we stand?

    This may be so, but at least we are seeing plausible initiatives being introduced. It is high time (LOL) that these politicians got off of their lazy lobyist money taking asses and voted the will of the people.
  15. Entheogenic Shaman

    So where do we stand?

    Hope this helps. With enough input from constituents, it might just pass. Summary of HR 5843 An Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults,” sponsored by U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.), would eliminate federal penalties for the...
  16. Entheogenic Shaman

    what about a proposition for recreational use?

    Summary of HR 5843 An Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults,” sponsored by U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.), would eliminate federal penalties for the possession or not-for-profit transfer of small amounts of marijuana. The bill...
  17. Entheogenic Shaman

    Support HR 5843 and HR 5842

    Summary of HR 5843 An Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults,” sponsored by U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.), would eliminate federal penalties for the possession or not-for-profit transfer of small amounts of marijuana. The bill would...
  18. Entheogenic Shaman

    Question on strains

    I am going to be starting a grow project and would like some input, if possible on some strains. First the details: My veg and flower rooms are each 9x6 with a 9ft ceiling. I will be vegging under an 8 bank of T5 flourescents with my clones under CFL. I will be flowering under 600 HPS. The grow...
  19. Entheogenic Shaman

    Can a brutha get an AMEN?
  20. Entheogenic Shaman

    AC wiring 4 dummies like ME!?

    Why not just google the instructions online?