Search results

  1. nlblue


    from marijuana Winner of several harvest festivals, and "High Times" Cannabis Cup. Skunk#1 (75% Sativa, 25% Indica) was originally a cross between 25% Afghani, 25% Mexican Acapulco Gold and 50% Columbian Gold. Inbred since 1978, now a stabilized homogeneous strain. Blooms with...
  2. nlblue

    Medical Grow op, NEWBIE!!! so far so good. Comments are welcome

    Looks like a dream room! :) seems like you got the space to make seperate rooms. Maybe seperate smaller rooms would give you the ability to use various ones to imitate the original enviroment of the various strains you got going. A dryer hotter one for the Sativa's etc. That might be a good...
  3. nlblue

    Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees...

    Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit...
  4. nlblue

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    thanks man. Amazon had the best prices for 6500k. did she start branching before or after you added the MH?
  5. nlblue

    Question : Northern Lights or Blueberry

    try northern light blue
  6. nlblue

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    I tried to find a 43 watt at yesterday, and it said "out of stock", I thought that was kinda funny. I'll be watching your young un grow. Trying some worm castings myself for organic fertilization aid. Found a place where I got enough for a couple plants for $2.49 and discovered...
  7. nlblue

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    what was the color temperature of the cfls when you were using them?