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  1. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    I'm ok letting them grow out (as tough as that is for all of us) - but I am worried about the Powdery Mold. Right now on the base of the Stem only.
  2. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    thanks to all - I'll let her be - I'll flush for the mold issue and let her grow - I'll be back with pics and issues if any more arise.
  3. joeg235

    First round oval leaves dying

    agreed- check PH but I'd bet on N def. I use FoxFarm Grow Big. Also, recently read that sex is determined when seed is fertilized- not env factors - which can contribute only slightly. I usually grow 3 - 4 per strain, increasing the odds of getting at least one F to 4/5
  4. joeg235

    Powdery Mildew - need advice

    How would I know if the buds have PM? - short of seeing the white mold on them - which right now I don't.
  5. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    I also was giving N in the nutes - but will stop. I'll do a complete flush tonight and leave her for a few days and see - thanks
  6. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    My first grow of Northern Lights (indoors) 8 weeks grow (2 seedling + 6 veg) to 24". Flowering - starting 5th week (from start of 12/12 cycle). 400W HPS in 4 x 4 grow box (with fan and heater). Using FF nutes Not sure how much longer. Lots of "frosting" on leaves and buds. web says 7 -...
  7. joeg235

    First round oval leaves dying

    btw - if you have 3 nodes you are not seedling anymore but are most likely in vegetative state. have u started nutes? Pics help ;-)
  8. joeg235

    First round oval leaves dying

    if the other (new) leaves are fine and show no bad signs then don't worry about the cotlydons (oval leaves) Temp s/b in around 75 f
  9. joeg235

    Male or Female?

    Around week 5-6 you will see the beginning of pre-flowering signs. Look for posts on pre-flowering and go from there.
  10. joeg235

    Male or Female?

    Seeds: As said, you are not guaranteed a female even with feminized seeds. I have started to growing 3 or 4 of a strain at one time, thus massively increasing the odds of a female. If I remember my statistics, with 4 seeds there are 5 possible outcomes with 4 seeds: 1. 4 Males 2. 4 Females 3. 1...
  11. joeg235

    Powdery Mildew - need advice

    I'm a new grower and this is my first exposure to PM (see pic) Background: Moved flowering plant from closet to garage (4x4 grow tent). Temp diffs (night = low 50s -> day = high 70s) and increased RH (as high as 60%) I think caused PM to take hold. I have: 1. Added a heater to keep temps...
  12. joeg235

    Male or Female?

    Male for sure- the little clumps are the give away Female has a single fig shaped pod with two small white hairs coming out. UNless you plan to retain pollen and pollinate a female for seeds - say good bye and let them go. It's hard I know - been there.
  13. joeg235

    nute problems ??

    i agree - my bad I misread your post. Yes, if you're seeing yellow two weeks into flower (is that 2 weeks since you went to 12/12 or 2 weeks since the Primordia changed (went from making leaves to making buds). Also, is it all leaves? or just older ones? Are newer ones discolored? I would...
  14. joeg235

    nute problems ??

    yellowing is normal and to be expected as the nitrogen the shade leaves is use dup bny the plant during flowering. I usually pluck them off when they are ready to go. I've read that adding N to the nutes during flowering (alleviate the yellowing) can actually delay maturation and harvest.
  15. joeg235

    2st grow, Flowering, thin leaves curling under

    I will test again today and see -= thanks
  16. joeg235

    2st grow, Flowering, thin leaves curling under

    temp runs in the high 70's there is an oscillating fan on all day on low.
  17. joeg235

    2st grow, Flowering, thin leaves curling under

    Mistype - meant First Grow Using FF BB & TB (per label), giving about 1/2 gal water and the water is absorbed from overflow tray rapidly and soil is dry by the afternoon. At first i thought it's underwatering - now thinking too strong nutes. pH in 6.5 - 7 range. suggestions?
  18. joeg235

    my plants sprouted now what? need help big time

    Well, Depending in how involved you want to get- start measuring soil moisture, consider watering with a fertilizer and read, dude, read - like we all do. If they're outside the you can't control light... Also - definitely consider the Security issues...
  19. joeg235

    Top Tips for the Noob Grower

    understood - and yet, if one grows and gets a bunch of males first time it's pretty depressing
  20. joeg235

    help me

    Good light - I use HID MH about 12 - 18 " from plant 18/6 (or 14/10 for fems, I've heard). Not sure what "puny' means - mine after 4 weeks are about 7-10 inches tall, showing preflower signs and are bushy. Depends on strian. Temp, ph, humidity all play a facotr. I use FoxFarm Grow big +...