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  1. joeg235

    Reading the Leaves on this plant.. what does it say?

    not much help - but I've seen that too - thought maybe too much heat- so I backed off the light and added more cooling. Seemed to come around w/ that.
  2. joeg235

    I'm old

    agreed yields will be higher (pun intended) outside - but so is security issues, pest, etc.... Plus, you are at the mercy of the sun as to when they flower - you will have to wait until fall. Inside is more control. BUT I can argue outside produces better plants (duh). BUT - can you actually...
  3. joeg235

    What strain is this? + Pics

    oops- sorry - meant pic # 3 for the discoloration
  4. joeg235

    What strain is this? + Pics

    It's a bend not a crinkle ( see pics) i think.... I was concerned early on b/c the early leaves had weird discoloration - but it seems to have grown out of that. See pic # 1 for the discoloration New growth looks fine and I tend not to worry about older leaves. Plus I moved them from the...
  5. joeg235

    What strain is this? + Pics

    thanks - yes, it's doing well. 3 1/2 weeks old I had them in a grow box in my garage, but they like being in my closet better. I i like being able to take a break, turn around, open the door and hang with them.
  6. joeg235

    What strain is this? + Pics

    I would agree - it looks indica - Sativa tends to have the more thin leaves, yes?
  7. joeg235

    Do you find "Free" /MIx Seeds worth the effort?

    LIke "free" software - I really only use what I've paid for - agreed!
  8. joeg235

    I'm old

    You 'll need a better light when they flower. You'll need some fertilizer soon ( I suggest Foxfarm Grow Big) They want at least 18/6 hours a day, Some do 24/0 & I tried that - but mine liked the 18/6 - I've read they need darkness for root development. Who knows. I know I'm cranky w/o sleep...
  9. joeg235

    Do you find "Free" /MIx Seeds worth the effort?

    When I order paid-for seeds I'm often also offered "free" seeds - maybe they tell me the strain, maybe not. I've also tried the "mix." While I like "free" as much as the next guy ( of course, they are not really "free" or the paid for seeds would cost less = TANSTAAFL) As I do more grows...
  10. joeg235

    What strain is this? + Pics

    When I purchased my seeds the seller sent along some "unknown" strains. I've grown only about 7 strains and have never seen MJ like this - wide, round leaves, etc. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to strain?
  11. joeg235

    New Grow Tent = Unhappy Plant

    You make very good points - thank you for stopping and helping. Right now I run the lights by themselves at night (no heater) and I think the temps are fine ( will measure and check again. I have my temp probe in amongst the branches of the plant.) The issue is when the light is NOT on. I run...
  12. joeg235

    New Grow Tent = Unhappy Plant

    not directly on the cold floor - there are two layers of tent materials between the pot the plant is in and the floor. I could add styrofoam, but I think soil temp is not the real issue. The issue is the ambient tent air can drop below 60 AND we have high humidity (>50%) so mold becomes a...
  13. joeg235

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    I have a 4x4x7 grow tent and am struggling to keep it warm enough (having been evicted to the garage for flowering) w/o cooking the plant. Tent has a single 400W HPS. Issue is keeping the tent warm enough until summer comes. I'm using a small portable space heater - but I can't get the heat...
  14. joeg235

    New Grow Tent = Unhappy Plant

    I've had to move flowering plants to the garage. Purchased a 4x4x7 grow tent and 400W HPS light. Have a mall fan blowing fresh air in from one of the vent hoods near the floor. Issues: Temps in garage are in 50 - 60 range (until summer). Using a small space heater - can only keeps temps in...
  15. joeg235

    Airflow, Temp & Humidity Q's - 4x4x7 grow tent

    I was forced out of my closet (ok, asked to move) to the garage for flowering my plants (due to smell in the house. I bought a 4x4x7 grow tent and have a 400w HID HPS light there for flowering - this seems enough for the one plant I have - When I have more, I plan to add another light, if...
  16. joeg235

    Yellow Leaves

    and, is it alot of leaves or only a couple? if few in nbr and rest are fine - don;'t worry, but keep an eye on them
  17. joeg235

    Yellow Leaves

    yes, 2 weeks in and yellow is an issue You might add a N nute for a week and see what happens - is this new or old growth?
  18. joeg235

    nute problems ??

    well, all I've read is that they need room in between to allow light to get to lower branches /buds AS WELL AS keeping airflow up so molds and things don't have a place/chance to start. I'm a newbie grower - yet all I've read and "common sense" tells me that they want room to grow. I suppose...
  19. joeg235

    Pythium? White spots opn Stem

    sounds like Powdery mold- but no clue without pics- gotta post pics if you want people to help
  20. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    understood... is my post on the PM - can you add anything? Does this sound about right?