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  1. joeg235

    Leaf problems with pics

    I noticed this a day ago - I thought the browns spots due to light (400w MH) too close - 2 plants in different areas have this The other plant has very light green edges to leaves - not all -just a few ideas?
  2. joeg235

    What's wrong w/ my babies? + pics

    i think you're right - they didn't need the nutes - the Soil is real good. So - maybe flush with plain water today and see?
  3. joeg235

    1/8 seeds germinated :S

    Repeat after me: Seedling Heat Mat Soil works (obviously) but I like Paper towl - kept warm and moist - misted every few hours. Mine are usually all Gemr'd in 2 days. AND I plant the germinated sprout into soil when the tail is first visible: b/cv I don't want to expose it anymore than I have...
  4. joeg235

    What's wrong w/ my babies? + pics

    Seedlings started OK but now look odd/dying (weird discolored & shriveled leaves and halted growth) In FF soil, mild (GrowBig and Super Thrive) nutes, 400w MH - in closet - high 70's, 47 RH. I have several others in same grow area (a bit older) and they are doing fine. any ideas?
  5. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    Thank you , yes, that sounds like what I have - doesn't get above 3"
  6. joeg235

    Northern Lights - how much longer? + Pics & problem(PM)

    by flush you mean plain water - no nutes?
  7. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    no - nothing like that - leads me to think not bugs
  8. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    Scales are an insect that hides under the protective outer coating ( from what I read). I scraped some off and examined under a 60x and 100x microscope and I don't see any evidence of what I would call insects. Nothing crawling or moving - no limbs or body parts ( and I think I would see them...
  9. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    i hear you . Most of what I read about scales is that it's an insect. I don't see anything crawling on or near the stem. I may try to rub it off with ah...
  10. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    God I hope so:-P I'm new to this (my 2nd grow) so probably have new parents syndrome....
  11. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    Can you tell me any more? I have never heard of it - or is this a joke? :roll:
  12. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    Other than visceral reaction - why kill it? It doesn't seem to be hurting the plant, tried a bud and was good. Has about 4 weeks left to go. It's the only plant in the grow tent - and I'd hate to just toss it. Do you have anything to go on as to why it needs to be killed immediately?
  13. joeg235

    Ever seen this?

    I've got a mutant now too - going to let it grow and see what happens...
  14. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    no - it started indoors and recently was moved to a grow tent in my garage. Temps have varied some - so I thought it was mold (PM or mildew) - but as I said - not going away or getting worse and PB treatment seemed to have no effect.
  15. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    agreed- not happy on how it looks- but not up for scraping quite yet.....
  16. joeg235

    Reading the Leaves on this plant.. what does it say?

    wait till all the shade leaf yellow and fall off - enough to shock a grower... Agreed- move the light (away) and add fan
  17. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    no - no leaf issue. I looked at it under 30x Microscope and looks more "platic-y" than soft for mildew. & nothing flying around... Weird, huh?
  18. joeg235

    White Spots on Base of Plant?

    looks like starting roots - I would cover it up with more dirt - maybe too much stem is exposed. Near the soil line it starts to send out roots and if the stem is exposed you'll see that.
  19. joeg235

    amber pistils on bud only 5 weeks into flowering

    love to hear an answer as I'm in same boat...4-5 wks from done and many pistils are amber. Was there any kind of heat stress?
  20. joeg235

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    I started seeing these small white spots on the bottom of the stem - and one or two spots on a stem elsewhere. No spots on leaves. Thought it was Powdery Mildew and added Pot. Bicard - but no change - no decrease, but no increase either. NOW I'm wondering if it really is PM.... any ideas?