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  1. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    haha. supposedly the plants are going to double in height while we flower. the box is 45" tall and the plants are about 20" with the pots and we are going to flower in the next week. So hopefully we will be safe. :)
  2. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    UPDATE!! So it has been about a month and a week and I thought I should update the progress. We built a grow box that is about 18 cubic feet and we bought the 150w HPS e-conolight. So we now have 8 26w 6500k CFLs and the 150w HPS for our 4 plants. They are all doing good, one has a little nute...
  3. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    My $20 150w HPS Econolight DIY reflector/remote ballast

    Hey. I just got my e-conolight in the mail. So I can just strip the black and white wires where you screw in the bulb and then use a couple of wire nuts to put on another one of the screw in bulb holder things so I dont have to have the ballast in my growbox?
  4. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    Clipping Off the Water leaves (Sucker leaves)

    So before reading around I fimmed and started to LST one of my plants (i have four 1 month old 1 foot tall plants). While I had the scissors out I went ahead and cut off 2 of the bigger fan leaves towards the bottom so that the young undergrowth could get more light because we are using CFLs. Is...
  5. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    Quick Question?

    Is it possible to put plants into a flowering stage, sex them, and then remove the females and put them back into vegetation? What would that do to the plants? ~or should i clone, sex, then flower?
  6. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    70w HPS or 150w HPS

    Haha. Actually, the light from lowes, and the light from that website are the 2 I'm talking about.
  7. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    70w HPS or 150w HPS

    I'm building a growbox out of 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers for 4-5 plants. I am about to buy either a 70w HPS light to hang from the top and put a few 2100k CFLs in the box as well. Or a 150w HPS to put in the box. The containers will be stacked on top of one another. There will be a...
  8. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    We are going to reconfigure our grow setup this afternoon. We bought 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers that we are going to stack on top of one another. Cut a rectangular hole in the bottom and put a tower fan against it and cut a square hole in the top and put a computer fan with a carbon...
  9. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    It's a few years old, but you could probably shop around at home depot, lowes, or walmart and find one. Check the desk lamps and such.
  10. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    UPDATE: So we are on day 24 I think. I thought they would be bigger right now, but I think they are small because of the MG soil. I couldn't find any good nutes so I just got some mg standard nutrients. They are looking pretty good, though. A couple have yellow leaves around the bottoms and the...
  11. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    Distance between plants and lights

    Because while a single bulb may be an inch away from on foliage surface of the plant, it isn't as close to other parts of the plant. While the plant is small and most of the surfaces can be within a couple of one light then only one light would be needed. But as the plant grows, more bulbs are...
  12. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    No nutes. We didn't really consider what nutes yet. We read something about molasses, but besides that we are in the dark.
  13. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Yours are looking AWESOME! Mine are 19 days old and are barely half that size. Keep it up.
  14. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    UPDATE! So we transplanted the plants to bigger pots, and mixed our MG moisture control with some organic worm castings or something. We got a couple more lights so now we have 6 26w 6500k lights. Any tips, comments, or suggestions are always appreciated!
  15. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    Cool. The soil they are in is some kind of miracle grow moisture protection or something. After reading around I found out that it could kill my plants so I'm going to go try to find some of that fox farms stuff if I can find it and transplant this afternoon. Anything else I need to do?
  16. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    I think I fixed it...I'm kinda new. Emphasis on the kinda. :mrgreen:
  17. Randall "Pink" Floyd

    First Closet Grow! With Pics!

    Hey, so this is my first grow. . . Most of the plants look good, but one of them has a couple of yellow spots on the leaves. They were conceived 18 days ago. The small ones are bag seed, and the bigger ones are O.G. Kush. :leaf: If anyone has any comments or opinions please let me know, almost...