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  1. guitarman7311

    Blunts - which one is better?

    I say skip the tobacco and go with a zig zag. U wanna taste the pot not the cigar. Anywho if u already smoke blunts regularly then u r already addicted to tobacco and are a smoker lmao m y brother use to say he didnt smoke cigarettes but he smoked blunts which are even worse with no filter and...
  2. guitarman7311

    Why does YouTube and their owners NOT want you to see this?

    Jesus birth and resurection has been predicted in the Old Testament. its easy to see why many religions follow the same story ;line. A lot of religions also have a variation on the story of Noahs Ark and the flood. It just proves that the Bible is still the Big Cheese on planet Earth.
  3. guitarman7311

    Urgent Help

    Dude dont worry bout it and dont do anything, especially cuttin off the life giving leaves. When a plant goes into shock after transplanting I say its a good thing. Because it WILL revive and be an even more potent plant than befrore u transplanted it. If it droops over its not dying. Dont over...
  4. guitarman7311

    What would the consequences be if I were caught?

    Well I say talk to your mom about it. Shes the one who will be punished the most. I say yank em sunny. And stay in school. Theyll be plenty time 4 growin when ur a man.
  5. guitarman7311

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Floros are fine for your vegitative grow, sure mh lights are better but in my opinion just for a few plants floros are fine if you make a reflective cabinet . Just keep the lights no more than 2 inches from tops of ur plants. Hps for flower though if you want knarly thick buds.
  6. guitarman7311

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Well youtube has some videos of led plants. They look peretty skimpy and sad to me. Leds are not the way to go yet Im afraid. Hps is the best stand alone light for weed. The next best would be metal halide . I would suggest floros instead of leds.The grow lights walmart sells for 10 bucks each...
  7. guitarman7311

    400Watt HPS..1st attemp..unknown/known seeds

    I had to pull my few measley plants cause I got paranoid, but I plan on movin out to the country in January and friggin look out then lmao. That plant in my profile pic was lookin really good to. Wish I had took a pic of it be4 I tore its life giving roots from the fertile soil boo hoo. The...
  8. guitarman7311

    400Watt HPS..1st attemp..unknown/known seeds

    Just chekin up on ya, I see ur babies are thrivin !! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
  9. guitarman7311

    400Watt HPS..1st attemp..unknown/known seeds

  10. guitarman7311

    chuck norris jokes

    Im tryin to think of a joke but I gotta take a chuck and wipe my norris right now, b bak.
  11. guitarman7311


    Why did the polacks stop makin ice cubes. Cause the old lady with the receipie died. Hardy har har !!
  12. guitarman7311


    I suggest u guys read. "rug burns on my penis" by Won Hung Lo
  13. guitarman7311

    chuck norris jokes

    Knock knock ! Whos there ? Chuck. Chuck who ? Chuck Norris mutha fucka !! Im here to kill your ass till ur dead. I shit on you hieeeeeeeeee yahhhhh !!!!
  14. guitarman7311

    chuck norris jokes

    Whats the difference between Chuck Norris and my ass. My ass is a better actor. lol
  15. guitarman7311

    chuck norris jokes

    Yah why did Chuck Norris stop makin ice cubes. He friggin lost the friggin receipie hardy har har lmfao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. guitarman7311

    chuck norris jokes

    How many Chuck Norrisis does it take to make a sandwich ?? It depends on how thin yah slice em. ha ha hardy har har !!
  17. guitarman7311

    Things to Know About Lighting

    A 1000 watter is way to much. 4 plants will be great under a 400 watt hps. Get the agro bulbs with a bluer spectrum. Trust me a 400 watter will grow 4 healthy plants and cost half as much in electric. Or if ur afraid its not enuff for 5 plants get another 250 watt hps. 400 should do er though.
  18. guitarman7311

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Yes but mh lights put out a lot of heat and I dont believe u can get a complete setup for under 50 bucks. Yes mh is better but belive me dont knock those Walmart lights till ya try em. Let ur plants grow bout a month under em and u will see how green and bushy they get. I dont suggest flowering...
  19. guitarman7311

    First Grow with Bagseeds. How am I doing?

    Defrigginlicious dude !!!
  20. guitarman7311

    400Watt HPS..1st attemp..unknown/known seeds

    I agree they should be a tad bigger but now that they are in those huge assed pots they should grow 2 inches a day in a week or 2, or even more. well make that an inch,,,, they are still pretty young lol. But lookin good dude. Peace out.