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  1. passdabong

    Your Biggest Fear

    reaching a state of mental apathy that would render me useless to my (future) family, existence, etc.. ultimately resulting in disappointement as they watch me waste away, but there's nothing they can do :cry: have others, but that one came to mind.
  2. passdabong

    Recommend a song

    Sentimental - Porcupine Tree (Fear of a Blank Planet album) - first time listening, amazing album! :peace:
  3. passdabong

    free seeds from attitude? dont even need to order anything?

    Seems to good to be true, thought it could have been a bust at first. If it's real though that's amazing. I'll wait till someone from this site confirms. :bigjoint:
  4. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    Ya, I think I'll be alright. Thanks everyone. We can let this thread die. :bigjoint:
  5. passdabong

    REP WARS! (Mindfuck!)

    That's pretty bad, but it's nothing compared to that diarrhea fountain image.
  6. passdabong

    Recommend a song

    That was pretty cool.
  7. passdabong

    Booze while smoking?

    It's probably because I'm generally limited to what people can get me, but Jack Daniels, typical beer, and Hpnotiq are my favorites. Oh, and I like to get tipsy, easy, but not wasted. Never thrown up, so I guess that's good.
  8. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    Without a doubt. Every once in a while it's nice to mix the two though ;-) I just finally have come to the point in my life where I need to let go of a few things, and it makes me happy, and that's all I want. But don't worry I'm going to keep that balance. :bigjoint: EDIT: Breathe, it's...
  9. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    Ya, that's comforting, and I guess it's as simple as that. EDIT: balance. alright.
  10. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    True, but I could argue that I never knew who I was (the whole thinking for yourself thing), and people have been creating a life for me, and I'm finally persuing something I want, and I enjoy it. It certanly is new territory, and maybe I'll become more comfortable in time. But I agree, I...
  11. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    It's weird. I truly believe that it's small minded of our society, but for some reason I just can't convince myself it's right. It sucks that something as ridiculous as this would hurt them...I'm doing what I enjoy, and for them to judge/limit me is absurd. I can see why it affects them, but...
  12. passdabong

    Wanna analyze my situation?

    Alright everyone. Throughout my life I've been taught that I need to conform, work hard, love my parents, follow the rules, get through school/college, and I'm on my own. Well throughout my life I've been rebellious, not entirely, just simple things like acting up in class, smart-ass towards...
  13. passdabong

    First Time Smoking in a Looooong Time

    It's good you didn't give in when things got rough, usually that's what happens to my friends, and myself sometimes. :bigjoint:
  14. passdabong

    Recommend a song

    I'm not sure if this has been done, and if it has, I apologize, and you can go ahead and delete the thread, but regardless... Driven Me Wild ft. Lily Allen - Common Let's hear it.
  15. passdabong

    A question of ethics...

    I agree with Lord. Your call though.
  16. passdabong

    how often do you smoke?

    Really depends if I have any to smoke, but even when I do I only smoke 1-2 times, 2-3 days during the week & 2-3 times, almost everyday on weekend. Sometimes I mix alcohol on the weekends. I really feel like I'm smoking too much, but compared to you guys it's nothing.
  17. passdabong

    tallest plant u got from bagseeds

    My friend (the grower, he's teaching me now) managed a 5.3" plant. EDIT: He bragged abour it to us before we could finally smoke it.
  18. passdabong

    No more weed..:( drug test

    Good luck, it's gotta be hard.
  19. passdabong

    The Word Game

    but fails to
  20. passdabong

    THC pills?

    Thc Pills!!! - 420 Magazine Sounds legit?