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  1. kisiel

    Another side by side HPS VS DE HPS VS COB LED

    Hey thanks for advice I also foud this litte thing : do you think this can deliver enaugh light for ~~2 plants in my...
  2. kisiel

    Another side by side HPS VS DE HPS VS COB LED

    Hi, I read whole thread a lot of usefull info out here, very awesome work. I about to get some COB light as quick as I can, thats why I got a question, I have atm tent that is ( 80cm/80cm/160cm not sure how much it is in ft's ) and found this COB's...
  3. kisiel

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    I was looking for some led lights and infos and I found that there are also some COB lights and I found this: it cost around 245 eur Do you guys think that this COB Light could be used from seed to harvest, as main and...
  4. kisiel

    More light or cooler temps for highest yields ?

    How are you cooling all this stuff ? In what medium are you growing ?
  5. kisiel

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    So by buying Led Lights I will eliminate water temperature problems completely in hydro grow?, would I be able to leave the plants for some time ? And what if I will stay with 600 mh/hps? (im more convinced to buy thoes led's but idk yet)
  6. kisiel

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    Past few months i've been reading a lot informations all about Dwc mostly been focused on hydro, because It grows the fastest from all, I dont know much about soil or coco also been preparing for the hydro dwc, I have Hesi Hydro nutrients (
  7. kisiel

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    Hello everybody, I've been reading about DWC on a lot of websites with guides, forums and many more for a long time, I already gathered most of necessary stuff, and I have a few questions to a pro growers. 1. I am about to grow the Pure AK from Female Seeds since I got not too tall box and this...