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  1. kisiel

    What is this????

    Hi, can someone tell what about my leaf it Has some White dots, but not sure if its same problem.
  2. kisiel

    Mix'ing nutrient brands.

    Hi, my girls are 6 days old now, and soon im going to start feeding them with GHe flora 3mix. But the thing is, I still have a good, unopened bottles of root, anytstress, and witamin mix nutrients from Hesi. Root Complex, SuperVit and Power Zyme, I was thinking If It would work together and if I...
  3. kisiel

    WTH is this bug?

    @thespaceman937 indeed they are :o I have found in corners some kind of "nests" there are some dried by alcohol bugs and eggs, omg. but few still been alive >.< wow, very nice technic, guess couldnt do that with alcohol.
  4. kisiel

    WTH is this bug?

    H2O2 is killful for bugs, worms or maggots ? can it dry them to death as alcohol ? (that was my tactic). I guess i will need to buy tomorrow from pharmacy sotre. Thx. @SouthCross
  5. kisiel

    WTH is this bug?

    Its so hard to kill them all, I have empty box. And it is already 3rd (since 2 or 3 days ago) time when im trying to cleaing it out with alcohol but they are still appearing
  6. kisiel

    WTH is this bug?

    Hi! Can somebody tell me what is that? I have found it my empty Grow Box!!! I found few of them in my box they just appeared of nowhere in cleaned box with alcohol. They are making web as i noticed, pls help are they dangerouse?
  7. kisiel

    Autoflowers indoor - It really is that simple

    @HighLowGrow hey man your threads are very helpful i like them a lot, can you just tell me real quick, if we realy only need the GHe flora 3mix, to grow such autos? Im going for my First autos and overall first grow soon (girls scout cookie auto)
  8. kisiel

    My First Go. Any Tips Guys? Much appreciated

    Im going to start growin some autos soon as well, (scout girl cookies) and I was about to seed them up in cup, and than transplant them to 2 or 3 gal pot. not good idea?
  9. kisiel

    Passive Intake 600w 6 Plant LST Critical Kush

    Nice plants you got there, You have only done toping and LST ? or you also done some FIM'ing on them ?
  10. kisiel

    Soon starting :D Help!

    Thanks both of you, very helpful, so Im not buying cal mag as its not needed yet, and Yeah, I wish Im not going to fail at toping, lol, :D 6 - 12 tops !! I was thinking that, if I will make just 4 good tops after their first topping I will be fine :D
  11. kisiel

    Soon starting :D Help!

    I would make use of any advice so also feel free to suggest anything and point me out if I have forgotten something and if I am on a good way to go or not !
  12. kisiel

    Soon starting :D Help!

    Good day everyone! so I am close to start growing some plants, decided for soil (aimed for 3 in 80/80/160box) with a nice dual Led panel. I will be using 3x 20l bucket drilled into pots filled with Plagron LightMix, and for early seedling Canna Terra Seed Mix, not sure if I should buy some of...
  13. kisiel

    LED Sound Levels! Need Help!

    yeah but I guess that 2 x 17dB will make it ~~32dB or not actually not sure how would it work
  14. kisiel

    LED Sound Levels! Need Help!

    This led was defected as it says on video ? Woud like to re-active this thread :P I need to find a soundless LED's, are the plantpothonic led's fans "soundless"? they say 1 fan does 17dB of nois and 140w led has 2, how far away are they still heareable ??
  15. kisiel

    Starting up DWC First time, need help with Nutes and enzymes.

    Okay, :D not sure but I think I get it, so the main way to deal with root rot is to have stable water temp, and in case when slime still shows sight of attacking, than its best to use H2o2 to the reservoir to clear organic matter including algas, NOT benebactrias because if there is already...
  16. kisiel

    She don't look right...

    What kind of water are you using, RO ? maybe you didnt add enaugh of cal/mag How is it look like now ?
  17. kisiel

    Starting up DWC First time, need help with Nutes and enzymes.

    In order to get little bit more understanding in fighting with root rot / slime, I have a question, the beneficial bacteria for example in Hydroguard are most common / easiest way to fight with slime right ? If yes than is it working in synthetic grows of deep water ?
  18. kisiel

    My nutrient bottles

    Thanks for an answer, and yea my nutrients are non organic, Im just trying to get everything on 100% soon I will start my first grow, just wantet to get clear one less thing. :D
  19. kisiel

    My nutrient bottles

    Hi, so after I ordered my bottles with nutrients and ph down I just left them for about 7 or 8 months today I checked all the bottles and the one of Ph down and one bloom booster were already cracked, are they still in good term ? All of them were layin in dark place
  20. kisiel

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    I have found this Led Panels from PlantPhotonics: I would rather to go for the first one because its bit cheaper but could this be it ? one can be enaugh...