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  1. kisiel

    advise for 5th/6 flower week

    Hey, so I got two of nice size girls which with I was little too careful with adding N in veg, not like they are haveing some huge deficit but their leaves are lightgreen compared to 1 little that is haveing nice dark leaves. I spoted that in begging of flower and addde some of N but could gave...
  2. kisiel

    Looking for g00d Light

    Nice! I think ill go ahead and order one for myself haha. Did they tell you how close these may hang above plants? They have two types of leds, 288 and 304 im assuming that 304 are somehow better right? Gotta make transfer some cash to paypal tomorrow :P
  3. kisiel

    Looking for g00d Light

    Damn, these boards are pretty impressive, would propably go for this 260w In 2700k for the flowering, just whish it has longer Warranty...
  4. kisiel

    Looking for g00d Light

    Thanks guys, I have almost 3x3 grow space, the strips could be nice for this area I guess, and they dosnt seem to be that hard to make, but can they grow rock hard buds?? Do they need fans on heatsink like cobs do ? In otherhand that timberland cree cob kit, propably would fit here perfectly but...
  5. kisiel

    Looking for g00d Light

    Hello everybody!! :P I have been doing some researches lately since I have saved some Money, so I have some well budget, which id want to spend on good Led Light. I have some types of leds that im considering to buy. First is Budmaster-4, god Series, I like a lot its spectrum its red's should...
  6. kisiel

    Take a look pls.

    Hi im not sure so i need some extra opinion, is this seems to be a mold ? I have some buds, that have some White spots, they arent "spider webby" but they are kinda very attached to some placecs but they still kinda look like tricoms. There is one picture of it, help me whit that.
  7. kisiel

    Close to finish.

    Need to add that, this girl is autoflower nad thats why im afraid of cutimg it lut for testing.
  8. kisiel

    Close to finish.

    Here whole pic
  9. kisiel

    Close to finish.

    Hey, one of my White widow just started flushing stage and she looks good imo. But she Has with one of her tops strange symptom, it gets kinda dry nad it looks like this one is already Ready to test. Im New grower, can somebody say whats up with Her ? :P thx
  10. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Woah Guys, Weird thing is going on, leaf from that old pic, which I posted before was very dark green now it Has turned yellow! What reason could it be? Is it possible that she is draining N out my dark Green fan leaves ??
  11. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    This is The plant i was posting about before, shes short messy and stressed. If she cant make at least 10g of hard bud than Im not sure if i want Her in box. Can somebody tell if shes still worthy? Id like at least 10g, but she is already up to 45day
  12. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    So, I have 5 autoflowers total in my box, one of these is struggling realy hard I stressed her few times and she is very very short and most of her leaves are sad. I have transplanted her badly at early stage of her life and noticed a stun later she had few times Ph issues and I accidentally...
  13. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Hey guys, so i've been searching for more informations, and found something called "wind burn" my tent donst have any Fan circulation inside. (Though dont need it so much since useing Led) Can It be some kind of reason of curling tips?
  14. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    @SUNDOG thx, I will definitely try it. Anyway, are thoes leaves able to get back to shape ? and will this hardly affect to overend yield ?
  15. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Eh, I do have pH pen and always trying to aim for 6.5 - 6.9 when feeding and watering.
  16. kisiel

    The leaves... smt gone wrong?

    they are very dry, not sure if they work, can they get back?
  17. kisiel

    The leaves... smt gone wrong?

    Hey, my plants fan leaves are weirdly twister, is ok with them?
  18. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Hey, my plants fan leaves are weirdly twister, is ok with them?
  19. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Okay, so, I have checked other pots, and they are also growing thru the pots (not good). Im not sure what the solution for this problem is, but I guess that I must to pull up a bit thoes pot, not sure with what to do that. But maybe some old Lego blocks will help with that, lol.
  20. kisiel

    My auto plants.

    Hi everybody, this is my 1st grow, and I will post some photos of it in this thread. But first I want to start with some kind of root problem. One of my girlls (22day) Has Her roots growed thru the ~~2.5gal, pot. (Difanem auto White wido). :)