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  1. Rutherford the Brave

    Additives by Emerald Triangle

    Word thanks for breaking it down into terms that stoners know. @ somedude247 Thats one of the mixed reviews that concerned me, the only other being burning the ladies.
  2. Rutherford the Brave

    Additives by Emerald Triangle

    Anybody ever use the Snow storm ultra, Gravity, Purple Max, or Bushmaster from Emerald Triangle? I've been hearing some mixed reviews, seems like you love 'em or hate 'em. Any first hand knowledge would be much appreciated as I am considering adding them to my regiment.... Thanks, and as always...
  3. Rutherford the Brave

    best sandwich???

    damnit now I'm fuckin hungry. should have never opened this one.
  4. Rutherford the Brave

    Lighting for a couple ladies in a tent. WHAT'S ADEQUATE?

    thx wyteberry how many cfl's would you recommend and at what wattage?
  5. Rutherford the Brave

    For The Record What Taste Better SOIL or HYDRO ..?

    Props Brick for opening the bag of worms! It needed to be done... I have to vote Dro, and would also have to say my friends that benefit from the fruits of my labor would have to agree :)
  6. Rutherford the Brave

    Lighting for a couple ladies in a tent. WHAT'S ADEQUATE?

    Just a few questions that I can't seem to find the answers to while searching forums... plus I really don't wan't to sift thru a few thousand more forums. Is a 150 watt HPS light sufficient to flower two plants in a 2x2x4 tent? If not whats the smallest wattage i can get away with? Any guess...
  7. Rutherford the Brave

    Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!

    Best thread on RIU dont know if I want to Jerk or Laugh hysterically.
  8. Rutherford the Brave

    LED/Fluorescent Grow

    Thats what i have heard. How many plants are you planning on flowering in your tent?
  9. Rutherford the Brave

    LED/Fluorescent Grow

    Hey man cool set up, similar to what i'm thinking for my first round. Def. sub'd to see how it go's. Good Luck!
  10. Rutherford the Brave

    Renting and growing medicine?

    Jesus thats beautiful.
  11. Rutherford the Brave

    LED T5 Stealth Tent Grow - Aeroponic - - Perpetual - Harvest Journal

    Caught this kinda late but glad i found it none the less... Awesome set up bro sorry to here about the girls biting the dust. I'm definitely sub'd to see where you go from here. this is the same set up i am considering. +rep man!
  12. Rutherford the Brave

    You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

    When you completely and utterly forget how to make microwavable instant rice. -Best G13 I've ever had.
  13. Rutherford the Brave

    Marijuana Activists Don't Like CO's New 35-Day Waiting Period

    I guess I'm glad it's only 35 days for me then! :)
  14. Rutherford the Brave

    MMJ Pers. Grow Cab. Help/Suggestions

    Will do. thanks medi 1
  15. Rutherford the Brave

    MMJ Pers. Grow Cab. Help/Suggestions

    Oh and a more realistic production would be right at 2 lbs a year (not all at once) in a continuing harvest cycle.
  16. Rutherford the Brave

    MMJ Pers. Grow Cab. Help/Suggestions

    What's up everyone? So Im a complete newb at growing, I've been a connoisseur for a long time and just obtained my CO mmj card. Sick and tired of paying 400 an oz. for quality meds and using ALOT of medication regularly bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie I want to start growing my own. I'm looking...
  17. Rutherford the Brave

    Marijuana Activists Don't Like CO's New 35-Day Waiting Period

    I fell under this unfortunate wait period even after purchasing from a dispensary for over a month.... The day I went in to give them the last bit of my paperwork (Certified mail receipt) I was informed that i could shop on Nov. 11 35 days from that day. Super Pissed this law is just turning...