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    California Doctors..$105 full problem...
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    HERBAL CLEAN Liquid Carbo for drug test.

    I've never tried any of that flush shit, so I can't say if it works..
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    HERBAL CLEAN Liquid Carbo for drug test.

    I hear ya maximusk,I haven't blazed in 3 fuckin weeks, and I'm an everyday, manytime smoker.I may have to test for a construction job, and I'm UNION!! What the fuck is this country coming to? Booze and cigs have killed more people than all wars, but weed...NOPE, gotta prove your innicence..Best...
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    The cops just came!

    Way to go sureshot..Who would've ratted on you? WTF? Don't those cops have better things to do? Like there aren't real criminals out there..
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    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Hey spliff..IMO, they're too small for those kind of ppm #'s..My bubblegum clones are about 8-10" tall, bushy, and I go bout 1200 ppm. try 500-600, better to not rush it, and let them catch up..hope this helps!!What kind of nutes?
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    Fishy smelling water

    I have a 10 gallon rez, put in 6-7 gallons of distilled water(don't want any probs.I have hard water), ppm's at 1300-1400, just has that hydro odor, but no stench.. bubblegum clones growing nice...I'm not familiar w/ your system, is it a small bucket system? I'm brand new at this also.. I add...
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    SoCal Clones???/

    Make the drive to St.Andrews,Wilshire &San Vicente ,get a bunch of clones, $10 each, why fuck around. do it, and do it right..
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    Newbie to Hydroponics, only one question.

    You shouldn't have any probs with getting seeds..I've ordered 3 times from Netherlands, no probs..A lot of people are scared over nothing..
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    Fishy smelling water

    What brand nutes? I started with BC recipe for sucess, I put in too much of something, it was yellow and smelled fishy and like piss..I jfinally went with GH Flora 3 part, seems a lot of people in the know use it..that shit is smell, almost foolproof.I don't think i had enough...
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    Will The Presidency Lift Federal Prohibition?

    I honestly don't think the Feds will ever legalize it..It keeps too many dea's employed, to have to "fight" it.. They're admitting defeat if it's legal..I fuckin hope I'm WAY wrong, though..;-)
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    Where To Go For Medical/Cannabis Card In California?

    KushKing, sounds like you need a better doc..
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    California Doctors..

    What cha looking for?
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    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    Dude, those plants look fuckin GREAT!! I bet they're gonna taste good.Is there a sweet odor of bubblegum? I'm curious, cause I'm growing 3 bubblegum clones myself, they're4 weeks old..nice grow, bro..
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    When to begin flowering?!? White berry + Power skunk

    I'd put the HPS to it now..get em a little bigger, then flower..Good Luck!!
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    first time Ghetto Grow, New Pictures

    It can be grown in so many different ways..That looks sweet!! Best to you:lol:
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    I saw that shit, and almost ordered those beans..I can buy clones, though, so I went w/ bubblegum..That Armageddon looks like some bomb shit..and pretty reasonable
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    Need advise Please!

    Git the card, bro, it'll be all good....:lol:
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    can my parents house get confiscated?

    Sorry Zebra, my bad..didn't know you were up North..:roll:
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    1000 Watts Bring The Cops?

    It looks loke there's some paranoid, fucked up peeps on here..WTF..A 400 watt light ain't gonna amount to jack shit, just like the smart people are saying..Jesus..
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    1000 Watts Bring The Cops?

    SOCal , its $300 anyway..fuckin Edison, got no choice..isn't that a monopoly?