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    discolored leaves

    I'm using distilled water only, no cal/ mag additions..Thanx
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    discolored leaves

    By the way, they're 5 1/2 week old bubblegum clones under a 400 watt MH,8-12" below the glass..
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    discolored leaves

    Can i get some opinions on these leaves.. temps-68-78 pH - 5.8-6.3 try to keep 5.8 ppm -1200-1300 GH Flora 3 part Thanks for all the great help!!
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    Hey have to go in person, fill out the forms, pay the money, get your recommendation..

    Hey have to go in person, fill out the forms, pay the money, get your recommendation..
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    what kind of nuts are you using?

    Them some nice roots there..I've got 3- 12" bubblegum clones going.I use GH Flora series, seems foolproof, little odor, not much salt buildup.I get them from discount to you..:weed:
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    plant getting too tall

    Those are some nice looking plants, jbrown..Best of luck to you..:-o
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    GH nute problem

    I don't see any pics.How big are your plants? I use the same nutes, my 5 week clones are growing nicely, big fan leaves, getting bushy, 1300 ppm's, pH 5.8-6.2..
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    First REAL grow

    dspec, you're killin me with that lemony fuely smell..Like the OG KushXJack Herer I smoked some weeks back..Oh dude..I wanna bottle that smell and have it forever!!Best to you..:?
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    how to avoid pests and disease through simple maintenanance..

    Many thanks for that..I'm on my first grow..I see you have soil and coco.Which do you prefer? And why?
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    Problems with 2 week old clones

    Your leaves are drooping over, a sure sign of overwatering..If I give mine too much at night, they'llget like that, but in the morning, they straighten right up..I also put a small fan blowing air through the hydroton..
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    Problems with 2 week old clones

    I have 3 -5 week old bubblegum clones 10-12" tall.I started them on GH Flora nutes, 300 ppm.I had a plastic bowl that I put distilled water in, with my nutes.I just dunked the bottom 1/4 of the rockwool, which was 2x2x3 inches deep(they came like that from dispensary), and kept hydroton around...
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    Ok so the is a chance I might be moving out to orange county CA... some help please

    Yup, Cali's hurtin for certain right now..I have to piss test for a new construction gig, and I'm Union..WTF? I haven't smoked in 4 fuckin weeks..
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    As the process begins.

    Hit fill out 3 page questionaire listing your ailments..don't even trip..go for recommendation, no pay, and it's all confidential..
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    1st of many...

    This SoCal grower has ordered seeds 3 times from overseas, absolutely no probs, right to the mailbox, bro..The simplest way is the best way, don't even trip...
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    Grow, Damn It! I Said GROW!

    What's your Ph, ppm and feeding schedule? I'm fairly new..started my bubblegum clones under 400 MH @ 400ppm, next week to 600, then to 800, now at 5 weeks, growing and filling out [email protected] Flora 3 part seems foolproof...pH @5.7-6.2, temps 68-78..hope this helps..
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    New Grower Needs Help/Advice!

    I'm fairly new at it, though it seems like a nute deficiency of some sort.If you'd list your set up, and nutes, I'm sure you'll get some help..Check the plant problems sticky..hope this helps!!
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    Startin my first hydro grow (Nutrients Help)

    I use GH Flora 3 part, they seem almost foolproof, no odor, no salt buildup, it seems that a lot of people "in the know' use them.i have 3 bubblegum clones growing like mad, i keep my ppm @1200-1300,400 watt MH,ebb and flow hope this helps..
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    Rockwool medium- too much water? (pics)

    They look waaay wet, bro..I'm a newbie, though...
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    Using tap water

    Hi all..Many thanx for all the great help here..My first real grow 3 bubblegum clones 8-10" tall putting out big fan leaves, filling out nicely, 5 weeks old..temps72-78, ppm 1200-1300, Ph5.7-6.2...GH Flora nutes..distilled water only..Can i use tap water ppm200 pH 8.0. I know I have to let the...
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    First REAL grow

    Fuckin questions needed!!