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  1. S

    question about soil

    Rockwool block and Mapito, top feed it.
  2. S

    Grow problem and not sure which action to take

    Cut off the damaged leaves. You don't have anything wrong with your other nodes, looks to be a pH problem from the earlier feeding. Give the roots a good flushing until Tuesday and get them in better dirt.
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    Midwest Cultivation

    Found a new hydro store online They give free shipping to veterans and promo codes out the ass. Top brands for cheap, I got hooked up. Check them out roll it up family!
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    Little help here....

    The problem was the roots were suffocating from the transplant. Once I scored the soil, the problem was correcting itself over the course of two weeks.
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    Little help here....

    A month later here is a couple images of the plant I brought back from the depths of hell. Tomorrow will be day 95, I will probably let her go until next weekend and throw her in darkness for 3 days.
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    scrog help

    I am trying to gain more info on scrog. Can someone post a link or direct me to the correct thread where I can find out how to do this method? Thanks
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    Little help here....

    Thanks for the feedback. I am not that worried if I lose her or not, she was a freebie and a new strain. Live and learn, when in doubt grow it out.
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    Little help here....

    FF Ocean Forest with big bloom nutes.
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    Little help here....

    So it is a lack of nutes? I thought it was from an over dose of nutes? Should I let her dry out more and pray for the best before I start the fix if I can.....?
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    Little help here....

    So the past couple of days I have noticed the edges starting to look burnt. My ph is fine 6.5, but this ugly duckling isn't. Should I wait until the soil is dry about 3 inches down before watering? Should I also hold off on the nutes for a couple weeks? I never have issues(until now), also if I...
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    Little help here....

    75temp, 45 humidity and ph now 6.7. Fox Farms Big Bloom. I figured the clawing was from over watering when I flushed?
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    Little help here....

    . 03-.3-.7 are the nutes. Soil has nothing left to offer. I remembered that I feed her at a stronger strength by mistake when I was watering my other much older.
  13. S

    Little help here....

    3 weeks into flowering. Is it from too much N?
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    Little help here....

    FF OF FF BB I have a couple different issues here, I think I know what they are but wanted a second opinion. The yellow leaves look like I let the plant get too dry or needing salt. The droopy leaves appear to be from over watering. I tried a flush but have not noticed any difference. From the...
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    Is it time for the darkness period???

    Seven days later...I really need to throw her in a darkness period, my G13 ak grew up like a weed no pun intended. I thought I would have at least another week before she took off. Let me know what you guys think.
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    Foxtailing NL 8 Weeks +

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    Pics at day 33

    How is the grow for the WoS AKR? That is my next grow, want to know what I am in for.....
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    first time growing auto

    I'm growing g13 auto ak right now. Very easy grow, will get pretty big if you have the space. I'm at day 40-50. Forgot to log. Definitely worth the grow so far.
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    Iso hash disapoints. Trying bubble hash need help badd so confused please help

    Get a bubble bag that is 220 micron, I have a gallon bag that works great for the amount of trim I have. I use dry ice though. Bag all depends on how much trim you have. Plenty of videos on YouTube on this topic, shows step by step. PS don't act like a dick. Search before posting.
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    almost time to harvest..

    I would let the plant go for a couple more weeks, does not look ready yet.