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  1. smokerscough92

    Trying to breed a potent auto/strains im planning on

    Just checking for an update
  2. smokerscough92

    Trying to breed a potent auto/strains im planning on

    Keep me posted bc I deff wanna learn how to clone and I'm starting my closet grow right after Xmas any advanced technique you could teach me
  3. smokerscough92

    23 days old with a calcium def. is it time to start adding nutrients?

    They look fine but since we're not in the room with u to see the browning on the leaves I wouldn't take the chance since u said its spreading but if its on another plant as u said then its one of two problems 1the environment 2 the nutes your using but it's up to u bc like I said were not in...
  4. smokerscough92

    any thing i say on this website is purely fictional and hypothetically not to mention complete...

    any thing i say on this website is purely fictional and hypothetically not to mention complete bs i dont know what im talking abt im just tryna be "cool" and "down" and "hip" like everybody eles i jut want the knowledge and a good conversation if you can help me achieve my goals then i thank you...
  5. smokerscough92

    whats the better nutes. foxfarm or botanicare?

    where can u get dynagrow and botanicare at
  6. smokerscough92

    whats the better nutes. foxfarm or botanicare?

    finally somewhere i can find the answer i keep hearing boticare bloom blend or w.e. and im going all natural for all three of mine until next month where i add one of these
  7. smokerscough92

    Everybody wanna talk lights

    if you dont mind i would love to see your plants bc i think im gunna go with that but once again pics will sell me so please help and please be fast bc you have pretty much the best idea for my grow room available and the only thing im worried abt is the yield bc if its not potent then that...
  8. smokerscough92


    thanks but i heard mylar was expesive so im not tryna break budget 200$ i've already spent 80-100$ not calculating right now but i need a new light set up so thats another 50-70 and im in my room (rented) so i cant just start making mods to the room but i have white paint on the walls and the...
  9. smokerscough92

    Everybody wanna talk lights

    there not insufficent you just need a good number of them to actually get good yield
  10. smokerscough92

    first time grower,need advice

    best website to get seeds from very discreet and very very cheap forget all the other webistes im not a spokes person for this website but they should hire me lol
  11. smokerscough92

    first time grower,need advice

    im on my first grow too but im gunna stay tuned into your journal but the only advice i can give u is mix the manure throughly and i mean throughly...oh and hes right deff plant more bc if that turns out to be male i know your gunna be pissed lol plus no harm done if there outside anyway
  12. smokerscough92

    Need som help

    it is a hot debate but the only real answer is your not hurting yourself or the plant by just feeding it water for 7-10days 2weeks just to be sure
  13. smokerscough92


    REFLECTORS bounce the light back onto your plants if you dont have one light is escaping #FACT anyone no how to make a reflector bc i heard using aluminum foil is terrible bc its has folds and spaces where light doesnt get to it so anyone no anything thats useful bc im boutta just go get the...
  14. smokerscough92

    Everybody wanna talk lights

    so im hearing buy a bunch of cfl for vegging switch to hps for flowering that sounds like a plan but once again i heard that 100watt cfl dont do good for vegging but your probably right the guy that told me that was probably talking abt light penetration for the bottom leaves so im gunna go...
  15. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    now im gunna orger the liquid karma and deff HPS lights but im only gunna use them on my next grow....the experiment must go on lol but i need to know bc im growing inna pot with soil in my room.....when i water the plants (with or without nutes) should i only water the soil or should i let...
  16. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    any cheap webiste where i can order the bulbs bc im buying another lamp
  17. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    i dont think ppl stress the importance of flushing and i have three plants so i can see what the big fuss is abt one thing or another and still end up with good bud but in the vegging stage do they need more N-P-K (which one do they need more...for vegging/flowering) i wanna try n stay away from...
  18. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    mh= metal halides or w.e. the spelling may be..i thought those were one of the worst to use too but thats good any advice on to get my stalk bigger bc lmfaoo i just watered and it nearly wiped out my trainwreck when the water came crashing i hhad to put more soil up the stalk to keep it...
  19. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    see thats the fucking info i need...experience is the best teacher lol but im running on 18/6 9-3am im turning the light on right now actually but my next question is a serious one i have one light on my three plants since i packed them together until i get more light but its been 1 week 1day...
  20. smokerscough92

    1 pound indoor plant

    like he said im a new grower and just looking for advice and you seem to know wht your talking abt and i just started a new thread but i might as well find my answer from you lol i heard that 100watt cfl dont do any good for the yield or potency any truth to hps better bc i heard its...