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  1. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

    pineapple express is going to be awesome!{Hopefully}
  2. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    read world war hulk its fuckin amazing!
  3. papasnaps

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    Well i like getting more high and play a little goldeneye with my broz on my N64 and eat chicken strips and walk around talkin bullshit hell yeah good ol days.
  4. papasnaps

    Quote From When I Was High

    man i love when random shit happens when im high.One day me and my friend were smokin a bowl outside and the cherry went up in my friends mouth and i said "holy shit dude it looks like two little people are smokin a bowl also in your mouth"i was really stoned when i said that.
  5. papasnaps

    I Once.

    i once dived in the shallow end of the pool and had to get stitches on my forehead man im a dumbass.
  6. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    Well,that is better than any super hero:blsmoke:
  7. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    If you could have any kind of pet what would it be?This would be mine...... DOG WOULD KICK YOUR ASS!
  8. papasnaps

    Going to England for a trip how can I sneak weed?

    theres one simple answer guys......just put it up your ass cheeks.....DUH.
  9. papasnaps

    Cops are becoming more intelligent?

    i like walkin around with my friends when im high its a better experience than driving espically if its in a forest.And yes it is a waste of tax payers money we could put it towards the gas problem than busting someone for an ounce.
  10. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    fuck yea dude
  11. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    Okay what comic book brand do you prefer marvel or d.c. Me,its marvel all the way! Punisher is fuckin hardcore.:fire:
  12. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

    That sounds awesome i would love that!:mrgreen:
  13. papasnaps

    Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!

    but wut happen to music like floyd,zep,hendrix and all the other greats the only band ive heard lately thats actually good is this no name band called minus bear now thats music!
  14. papasnaps

    Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!

    :peace:Well some rap and stuff like that is alright but most of it ruined music and life itself cause we got these people that have to be just like that culture and they dont like anyone who isnt like them but if we got rid of some of this bullshit music maybe people will love eachother more and...
  15. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

    I will agree that was an awesome movie.:clap:
  16. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

    well to put differences aside bongwater was another great movie.that was a great independent film.Cause it was pretty much how life is.
  17. papasnaps

    I Once.

    I once almost choked on some candy cause i was to high to eat.
  18. papasnaps

    Mary Janes Bank Of America

    thats what dreams are made of
  19. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

    well it had its moments but i hated how they had that stupid fuckin trippy sequence that never happens when your high but it was a good movie but not a good stoner movie.
  20. papasnaps

    Cops are becoming more intelligent?

    Here in memphis cops stopped giving a shit about weed.Me and my friends were smokin a fatty by this movie theater and a cop drove by and didnt give a shit.I guess there learning that weed isnt the most horrible thing out there.