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  1. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    dude i like the beast alot for some reason,
  2. papasnaps

    Bat Bud

    bat bud dininininininininini BAT BUD!!!DINININININININININI BAT BUD!!!!
  3. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    dude read sandman from DC fuckin epic and not the old sandman the new sandman.
  4. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    dude the green ghost from ghostbusters would be awesome or alien from alien would be a rad pet!
  5. papasnaps

    Stoner Movie Theater

  6. papasnaps

    Need Supplies!!!!!

    well im buying about 10 seeds
  7. papasnaps

    Need Supplies!!!!!

    I decided to grow my own shit.But i need to know what supplies i need.Not anything big or fancy just some affordable easy shit.Thnx:joint:
  8. papasnaps

    18 Year Old Stoner Who Wants to Grow For Himself

    Dude that tat is sweat espicially the ironman symbols you get rep for that awesome tat.Welcome tho i am also a begining grower good luck with your crop bro.
  9. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    Naw dude a battleship moose that could fly and drop bombs....helll yeaah.Watch out Iraq!!
  10. papasnaps

    Quote From When I Was High

    yea for real i just put one on it a few weeks ago.
  11. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    thats an awesome pet.
  12. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    thats an awesome pet.
  13. papasnaps

    I Once.

    Naw im from memphis when that happend i was on a trip somewhere cant remember where cause i got stoned too much
  14. papasnaps

    Hardcore Pets

    I would hate to live in a world with viper dragons that would fuckin suck good thing that will never happen.......or will it???DUM DUMM DUMMMMMM!!!
  15. papasnaps

    Marvel VS D.C.

    thats awesome!!!rep+++
  16. papasnaps

    Virgin Stories

    Ahhhhhhhh,I remember the first time i got high it was in this forest with my friends at this spot where there were rocks that you could sit on and chill.That blunt oh man that blunt was the fatest blunt ive ever smoked.i was so high we stayed their all night cause we couldnt we talked...
  17. papasnaps

    Bat Bud

    The theme song must be awesome.
  18. papasnaps

    Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!

    Hell Yeah Dude!!
  19. papasnaps

    Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!

    i enjoy it cause its awesome to here when your high the beats are awesome when your open minded
  20. papasnaps


    naw but ill check him out