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  1. Glider

    Hydroponic vs Soil

    I have been growing Northern Lights both ways side by side. One plant in rock wool with a top flood irrigation and the other in Fox Farm dirt. The two plants were growing at pretty much the same rate until the pH in the rock wool started go up. It like the rock wool better because I can react...
  2. Glider

    18hrs Vs. 24hrs

    Actually I was talking about using an 18 hour day divided into 14 hours of light and 4 hours of dark. Then for flowering -- 6 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. I was wondering if I am the only one in the world doing this.
  3. Glider

    Plant hospital

    Thanks I"ll try that
  4. Glider

    18hrs Vs. 24hrs

    This kind of an old thread but maybe we can open it up again. I am running 18 hour days. It was a bitch to set up a timer that was cheap and off the shelf. I finally found one at Ace Hardware that had 20 set points. I will attach the setting I have been using. Growing Northern Lights the plant...
  5. Glider

    Plant hospital

    I use kind of an Ebb and Flow. I have a pump that bumps the water on to the rock wool which then dips back into the reservoir that the pot sets above. You can see the watering ring in the second photo. I also have a second plant in Fox Farms dirt that I hand water every other day that is...
  6. Glider

    Plant hospital

    i am loosing a lot of leaves. The first photo is at 58 days, the second is at 79 days. Specs are 2 northern light plants, one sunshine system UFO LED and two 45 watt LED panels, Technaflora nuts watered 4 times a day, rock wool 10" cube. Any suggestions out there
  7. Glider

    CO2 Generation

    I don't want to seem like a know it all but they may have been using CO instead of CO2. You really have to work at it to die or be injured from CO2
  8. Glider

    CO2 Generation

    It would take too much to actually cool the room. It costs around $15/5 lbs. But you can make a pretty good container using the foil backed urethane foam insulation panels from homedepo. Cut and glue a box with a lid together with hot melt glue. You might want to use two layers of foam. Make...
  9. Glider

    Root Question?

    What's the problem? Also how are you watering? With rock wool you may need to set up a water pump. I water my RW plants 4 times a day. Also I have found that pH drifts with RW and needs to be watched closely
  10. Glider

    CO2 Generation

    A thought on carbon dioxide (CO2). I got sick of mixing sugar and yeast and it did not last very long so I am trying dry ice. So far I have been able to keep 5 lbs of the stuff slowly subliming out CO2 for three days but containing it in a glass vacuum flask like the old thermos bottles. This...