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  1. C

    Help! just bought seeds from Bonzaseeds

    Well most good bud doesn't have any seeds that's why most need to order them.
  2. C

    newbie cabinet grow

    2x1 area isn't that much space. How many T5's are you running and how many plants are you looking to have growing? Also what size pots? 2x1 isn't much room for a hydro grow either. I'm a newbie myself so i might be wrong on that.
  3. C

    Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here

    Wish I started my SOLO cup grow in time for these comps. When is the next SOLO cup comp? Here are pics of my current SOLO cup grow.
  4. C

    attitudes seeds were confiscated , police came to the house

    Yeah when my current grow is done I will order seeds from elsewhere most likely.
  5. C

    my LST training working properly ?

    What lights are you using? You need to lower your light for sure. All of them are stretched. You might also want to organize it a little better bc it looks like a cluster fuck. If i were you I would organize t better and label them all so you know which ones are what and when they were placed...
  6. C

    Water pools on top of soil

    Do you have drain holes? On my SOLO cup grow when I water them the water pools on the top of the soil until I move the top cup up a little bit from the catch cup. So maybe your drainage holes are blocked or maybe you don't have any. Can you give us a pic of your setup?
  7. C

    New girls update! SOLO Cup grow included!

    Not sure. They are all bagseed. I don' have my hopes up that the big one will be a female. So if it's a male i won't be let down.
  8. C

    attitudes seeds were confiscated , police came to the house

    Well this sucks. Seems if they go through Chicago they are getting snagged. And mine would most likely be coming through there Bc I live in the Midwest. Damn.
  9. C

    New girls update! SOLO Cup grow included!

    Here is an update to my hopeful girls. I fear that the big one is going to be a male bc it wasn't planted much earlier than the other one in the red pot but it's soooooo much bigger. All of the plants in the solo cups are doing great as well.
  10. C

    odd smell? health risk?

    You and your dumbass comments. About time you get banned. Damn. Don't smoke any of it. Toss it all. GL next time.
  11. C

    Need help

    You also need more soul in everyone of those buckets. You have to big of a lip that won't allow the right air circulation. Fill the soul to the top of the bucket. This will give you problems later on down the road if you don't fix it now.
  12. C

    Best tasting portable vaporizers?

    I just bought a Magic Flight Launch box and i fucking love it. No problems whatsoever. The thing is tiny too. Comes with a lifetime warranty as well (not on batteries though). I would suggest a MFLB.
  13. C

    Vaporizer selection

    I just got a Magic Flight Launch Box. Fucking amazing. So small and compact. Hardly any smell and it kinda smells like popcorn. Tastes like popcorn with a little aftertaste of ganja. I feel like I get a lot more out of the same amounts that I use to smoke. Plus the used ganja can still be used...
  14. C

    How do my (GIRLS) look?

    Just wondering how you guys think my girls look. Using FF Ocean Forest, FF Big Bloom and FF Grow Big right now. I plan on leaving the ones in the solo cups in the cups the whole time. Just an experiment really. Curious to see how much yield I can get from solo cups.
  15. C

    Lighting Cycle/Timing Question

    You could do 16/8, 18/6, 20/4 or 24 hours of light. All still in veg cycle. You are fine.
  16. C

    Lighting Cycle/Timing Question

    None at all. Still in the veg cycle.
  17. C

    First time scrog.

    Looking good.
  18. C

    Guidance for first grow needed!

    The wire you are referring to is called a surge protector or power strip. Feel the cord connected to the timer. If it's not warm and none of the other cords are warm you should be fine.
  19. C

    Divide grow room for veg and flowering?

    I have a few questions for you guys. I will post pics of my current setup. Basically I have 2 plants that I want to put on the 12/12 cycle. They are about 3 weeks old from germination. (These pics aren't the current pics of the 2 plants) I don't need anybody saying you should veg longer blah...
  20. C

    any 1000 watt apartment grows

    I have one going in a 1 bedroom apartment that has a pretty big storage closet inside. I have ona gel and some odor thing I got from home depot as well. No issues with odor coming out of the room at all but my grow isn't far along at all. I will update on the odor when it gets farther along.