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  1. C

    Should I trim her?

    Well me and the wife don't smoke that much. So by the time my yield is gone it will be time to harvest again.
  2. C

    Should I trim her?

    Well I have my big girl to get a bigger yield from. It's all for personel use so a big yield isn't a big deal. Also they are all from bagseed so not a big deal to use those seeds for the SOLO cup flowers either.
  3. C

    Should I trim her?

    Leaving them in the SOLO cups their whole life. Curious to see how they turn out. So far they look pretty awesome besides a little bit of stretch.
  4. C

    Can I start Flowering Countdown?

    Well she showed sex a week and a half ago. Just didn't know when to start the actual countdown of the actual flowering.
  5. C

    Can I start Flowering Countdown?

    I vegged her for about 5 weeks. She has been on 12/12 for almost 2 weeks. Here is what she looks like zoomed out. This pic is from a few days ago. The lights are a few inches away. I'm using nothing but 6 32watt CFL's. Not sure on the strain. She was grown from bagseed. She is getting fed FF Trio.
  6. C

    Can I start Flowering Countdown?

    Here is my girl. Is it safe to say I can start the flowering time countdown? This is the first day she has begun to actually fill out.
  7. C

    Should I trim her?

    So should I or should I not top my SOLO cup plants?
  8. C

    Should I trim her?

    I want to top her but I'm letting her be. I fucked up my first try at growing and this being my 2nd is going great so I'm afraid to fuck her up. I think I will let her be this grow. i have # ladies in my SOLO cup grow. Think I should top them?
  9. C

    Should I trim her?

    Actually nevermind. I just really looked at her and the fan leaves aren't blocking any light from getting to bud sites.
  10. C

    Should I trim her?

    I am 1 1/2 weeks into 12/12 and was wondering if I should trim the lower fan leaves so it can focus on the bud sites?
  11. C

    What happend to my plant ?

    150 F. Plants love it. JK. 75-80 F with humidity around 50%. You can have higher temps as long as the humidity isn't out of control. Mine run at about 82 F and humidity 47%.
  12. C

    annoying question that every1 sees everyday :P

    I have no clue how much but she looks damn tasty. Can't wait for my girl to look like that.
  13. C

    Ready to flower?

    I beg the differ on the Miracle grow. Well miracle grow nutes that is. You can use nothing but miracle grow nutes and they do pretty damn good. Look it up on youtube. I was pretty damn surprised when I saw how good the plants looked. So you can use miracle grow nutes and tap water and get some...
  14. C

    Newbie first time grow.

    Gotta love the skimpy ladies. I have some of those on my SOLO cup grow. Make sure to brace the stem. if not the weight of the buds will snap that little sucker.
  15. C

    CFL grow...24/24 or 18/6 ??

    Do 24 hours of light for the first week or 2 then switch to 18/6.
  16. C

    CFL question

    It is mylar but the lights are a few inches away from it.
  17. C

    CFL question

    Here is my CFL's and DIY reflector for my SOLO cup grow. Going to add 2 more lights on the end going the opposite direction of the 2 lights that are in there now.
  18. C

    Fox Farms Flushing Schedule

    You don't need to flush at all actually. It's totally up to you. Flushing will flush out the soil but it will not get out the Nutes you have been feeding your plants for however long they have been growing. To each their own.
  19. C

    CFL question

    Yeah it has done wonders so far. I will probably tinker with it some more after this grow is done. I will post pics of my other CFL's and my DIY reflector too after i get done watering my Solo cup grow.
  20. C

    CFL question

    Also thats foil tape on the "OUTSIDE" of my homemade light reflector for my Solo cup grow. On the inside of it is mylar.