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  1. C

    hows SHE looking?!?! lol

    Put a lighter or can next to it so we can get a better feel of its true size. Looks tasty.
  2. C

    Curing question

    Checked my local cigar shop. He doesn't have beveda packs but he has some can of gel that keeps it at 70 percent humidity. I don't remember what he called them. Is 70 percent to high?
  3. C

    How much longer do you guys think?

    It's just for personal use and the SOLO cup ones were kind of an experiment. So weight isn't a big concern. I quick dried a little popcorn bud and vaped that baby. Got high as fuck so i'm not going to complain.
  4. C

    How much longer do you guys think?

    Damn. Was hoping another 2 weeks. Oh well. I chopped one of my SOLO cup girls yesterday because all of her fan leaves were yellowed to hell and falling of. It was about half and half pistils amber and white. She is drying right now so it will hold me over until she is ready. I only do edibles...
  5. C

    How much longer do you guys think?

    My girl has been flowering for 5 weeks now. How much longer do you guys think? I like an uppy head high. She has only seen 6 32watt CFL's her whole life too. It was bag seed so not sure on the strain.
  6. C

    Curing question

    I have a hygrometer that's how I know the humidity. Might look into the bored paks though.
  7. C

    Curing question

    So I sat it all out on a paper towel overnight in a dark cool cabinet. Put it back in the jar this morning and humidity is steady at 58 percent and temp is 70 degrees
  8. C

    Curing question

    I took it all out. Gonna let it dry for another day or 2
  9. C

    Curing question

    Is it OK to leave my curing jar cracked? I just put my bud in to cure and with it sealed the humidity goes up to 80 percent. When I just cracking the lid it's steady at 63 percent. Is it okay to leave it cracked for long periods at a time? Also will the humidity get lower with time when I seal...
  10. C

    Curing Temps ad Humidity

    Well I just checked it again and it's down to 54% and still 73 degrees. Is that a pretty good target area?
  11. C

    Curing Temps ad Humidity

    So my temp in my curing jar is 73 degrees and the humidity is 63%. The temp sounds fine but is the humidity to high?
  12. C

    Drying Temps and Humidity?

    I'm drying in my flowering room which a custom box I made to dry my buds. The temp is the box is 77 Degrees and the Humidity is 33%. Are these good numbers for drying buds?
  13. C

    when should i start to flush in flower?

    See you said it yourself. You aren't really sure if it has benefits or not. Some people say yes and others no. To me I see no point.
  14. C

    when should i start to flush in flower?

    Never. There are no benefits of flushing (IMO). It's really up to you. I see no benefit in flushing bc the nutes are not getting flushed out of the buds. Just out of the soil.
  15. C

    Complete newbie, PLEASE help me out

    Nutrients depend on if you are using soil or hyrdo. They are different. Also it doesn't really matter what line of nutes you go with. Whatever you find fitting. You need a veg nute, flowering nute and good soil if you are using soil. Go with the Fox Farm line since this is your first grow. Makes...
  16. C

    Flushing Question

    I just had a question and a thought about flushing. Why do people flush for the last 2 weeks when those are the most important weeks for flowering? I would think the buds would need the nutrients the most during those last 2 weeks. Am I wrong? Also I don't see a point in flushing because in no...
  17. C

    is 5 26watt and 4 14 watts bulbs enough for 2'×4' room

    Here is my CFL's grow. The big one has 6 32 watt CFL's and the others are in SOLO cups and I have a 8 CFL's light fixture I mad with a DIY reflector. The first 7 pics are my SOLO cup grow and the rest are my big girl. All 4 weeks into flowering.
  18. C

    How do my girls look?

    So I took off a popcorn bud last night and fast dried it with a hair dryer. Broke it up then put it in my grinder. Then put it in my vaporizer and got high as shit. Really nice head high and energetic. Only 4 weeks into flower. So you can harvest pretty early as hell if you really want to. I was...
  19. C

    Just not growing

    Those are tiny for 20 days old. Is it 20 days since they germed or 20 days since it sprouted? What kind of light are you using? What is your pH? What kind of soil?
  20. C

    How do my girls look?

    They smell like shit when you give em a little squeeze. Gonna be tasty. Lol