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  1. C

    Rdy for gta 5 online :)

    Um no you can't. You will not be able to upgrade CPU, GPU, RAM etc.... You may one day be able to mod it (as in to run homebrew) but in now way will you be able to upgrade hardware like I mentioned. If you still think so show me your proof!
  2. C

    Rdy for gta 5 online :)

    Your joking right? You will NOT be able to swap out parts on a PS4. You know nothing about consoles if that's what you think. I mod and repair consoles daily so I know what I'm talking about.
  3. C

    First time grow 3 weeks in experiencing a *Problem*

    Any and everybody is free to give out advice. How do you know he isn't a long time grower? Just because he is new here doesn't mean he doesn't have experience. You have lots of shitty comments most of the time.
  4. C

    Heat Burn, Nute Deficiency, or what?

    You need more soil to get better air circulation. That's to deep of a lip.
  5. C

    Northern Lights first time box grow.

    I honestly don't see your buds being very dense or big with those lights. But what do I know. I'm just a newb
  6. C

    Northern Lights first time box grow.

    Just go to your local hardware store and get a 4 pack of 32w (not equivalent) bulbs for 8 bucks. That will be plenty.
  7. C

    Northern Lights first time box grow.

    Have you ever checked the PH? Also could be overwatered. I killed my girls on my first grow with a high PH and overwatering.
  8. C

    New babies planted!

    Why not smoke the tomatoes? They give the best high. JK. Thanks. I know where I failed on my first grow attempt so shouldn't have any problems this time.
  9. C

    New babies planted!

    It's in a closet. Not sure what the specs are. It's around 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep. IDK the strain. It's bagseed.
  10. C

    New babies planted!

    I got my 13 new babies planted. All looking good so far. The biggest one in the big pot was planted 2 weeks sooner along with the other big one (not really big). The square pot is tomatoes. This is my 2nd attempt at a grow. 1st time I didn't test ph, changed the lights many times and overwatered...
  11. C

    is this trimmed and harvested enough?

    pics aren't very clear. But from what I can see it looks good.
  12. C

    Almost time to move the baby?

    You can leave them in a solo sized cup for up to a month or throughout the whole grow if you really wanted to. Can transplant whenever.
  13. C

    First Grow, Unknown Seed...Pros please Help!

    So your supplier got busted and you have your plant in plain sight on your balcony. Doesn't seem like a good idea. Why not just keep them inside under the light you have instead of the balcony?
  14. C

    short stuff auto assassin

    Does the lighting not matter as much with the auto flowering seeds?
  15. C

    Hello and need some help

    Taking nutes you might be able to get away with but there is no way in hell I would take seeds to the airport. Screw that.
  16. C

    Hello and need some help

    So you are wanting seeds and nutes that you can take on the airplane? Is that right or am I not understanding?
  17. C

    first im grow 3 1000watt light seed of green single cola grow

    So you are trying to get 99 plants under 16 T5's? Then 3 1000w hps'? You will need way more lights than that for that many plants. Also your room must be huge. That's a lot of plants my friend.
  18. C

    LemonOMatic Day 18 from seed

    Nice and bushy. Looks good.
  19. C

    Northern Lights first time box grow.

    Don't go by how ever many days on the watering because it varies for everybody. Go by the soil. If it's a little moist on top DO NOT water it (learned the hard way). When the top of the soil is really dry then water. I only have to water my girls like once a week.
  20. C

    New Setup

    I have 8 26w CFL's that I will be adding during flowering. I'm adding a cross bar with power strips attached so I can place the CFL's on the sides of the plants. I will be able to move the lights up, down, left or right. Pretty nice. Won't need to add them for a while though. Gonna keep em in...