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  1. R

    miracle gro 4 nutes

    See the cannabis industry is a niche market, and when you have a niche market comes niche products, and people feel special when they use these niche products, and they start thinking that this little niche market is all there is in the whole world. But when you step back you realize this niche...
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    Cropking Hydro-Gro, Yara Calium nitrate, and mixing individual salts

    I don't claim too know much about plants and silicates either but it sparked my memory about a good article in maximumyeild magazine, heres the link:
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    Is 10-5-4 fertilizer good for growing cannabis?

    Im thinking of going DWC on my next grow, im in soil right now under a 600W. I've been thinking about micronutrients, i noticed on your micro bottle you got iron, boron and i can't quite make out the last two. You said you havent noticed any defiencies? I found on the jr peters site they have...
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    Is 10-5-4 fertilizer good for growing cannabis?

    Wow thank your for the great and detailed info!! I know what i'll be doing today. Do you grow in soil/soil-less or hydro? When you take your grow indoors it seems like thats when the nutes and additives industry tries to take the uninformed too the cleaners for all their worth!! I appriciate the...
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    Is 10-5-4 fertilizer good for growing cannabis?

    Hell ya brother!! I've been pondering mixing up my own homebrew solution. i've got a bunch of chems laying around being a big amateur chemist along with being a organic chem major in college. Would ya mind sharing your homebrew recipe? I don't mean too hijack your thread OP but i think this adds...
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    Switching nutes during flowering in soil?

    Thanks bro, i already had some my normal nutes mixed up so i added 1/2tsp of kool bloom too each gallon, so i'll use them this feed, next feed im going too maxibloom koolbloom and big bloom at EC 2.0
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    Is 10-5-4 fertilizer good for growing cannabis?

    I agree, the N ratio is way too much during flowering but it should work good in veg. Also beastie bloomz by fox farms is basically monopotassium phosphate. Beastie is 0-50-30 and monopotassium phosphate is 0-52-34 and its 15 bux a pound on ebay. Id say using 1/8tsp per gallon would work just as...
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    Switching nutes during flowering in soil?

    Hi, i am on my 5th week since 12/12 switch, 4th week since pistils. I have been using FF nutes in soil, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom at EC 1.7-2.0 every other watering. I recently purchased some GH Maxibloom and GH liquid KoolBloom. I am wanting too replace my Tiger Bloom with Maxibloom and...
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    4 Plant 600W grow

    Dang, those are looking mighty tasty!! Got a nice looking crown of branches. Yeah im really interested on what youll yeild also. Im on day 26 flower with my 600W, im looking forward too my buds swelling up like yours. Just started a lil shroom grow with some golden teacher, hope too have some...
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    600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan

    ^^Lol same here guys, lights on at 5pm, but i've always been kinda a night owl but it has its ups and downs.
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    Club 600

    Nice looking girls there supchaka!! What strain? did i see one that was supercropped? Im on day 23 of flower with my 8 girls under my 600W, my 3 Chill OM and 2 Arjans Haze #3 i vegged 30 days and my 4 bagseed i vegged alittle longer. My girls look really similar too yours as far as bud...
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    4 Plant 600W grow

    Haha, thats pretty stuff funny right there. I also observed the various ideas on the net about plant care after starting my first indoor with 600W recently and some seemed excessive or odd. But then when ya think some people are growing their own supply of medicine, or just connoisseurs. i guess...