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  1. D

    has anyone ever tried?...

    well ones I forget one of my plants on some place and I found it later on when it was totally dry. Taste was like nothing but the high was very very high :)
  2. D

    2 step harvest

    well yes, I did ones on one of my plants . I harvest it 3 times every 2 or 3 monts after the first harvest. I let the lower buds grow didnt cut the all plant.
  3. D

    My little piece of heaven!!!

    woow huge ones , what is the family of this girls ?
  4. D

    Hermie Plant Growing

    I do remove the male polens every 2. day and this girl will look after 2 weeks very different I will post a picture then . Smoke was good = I meant that everyone did take just one smoke and it hit you for around 4 or more hours.
  5. D

    Hermie Plant Growing

    Hello everyone, I am new here and its my first post , sorry for the pictures quality. I have planted in this season start one ganja and it growed to hermie it did have male and female budds. After harvesting it , I took the seeds and planted another 5 and all of the seeds grow same hermie...