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  1. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    in my opinion i dont think the two small flowering plants will revert.....they seem to be growing new hairs at the top..... i want these females to get tall and bushy...
  2. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    can anybody confirm if any are revegging? im also taking clones of the one in full veg... and attempting to root them outdoors
  3. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    i really dont know whats going on with them..... im kinda just letting them do their thing...does anybody think they will revert? or should i harvest the bud-packed babies lol even though they are really small plants....
  4. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    close up of the one in full veg Close up of some of the flowering plants...(really small plants with buds all over them) close up of the flowering plant that i think is reverting back to veg and another shot of them all together...
  5. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    OKAY!!! update!!......its been a really long while (seems like it anyways) since ive posted on rollitup... anyways, i now have 4 plants all in pots in an outdoor area getting tons of light 1 is in full veg 2 are still flowering 1 is reverting back to veg from flower pic
  6. C

    Stupid Trees

    ive grown in places where plants get minimal sunlight due to large trees and bushes....and i got minimal harvest :) If you let them get tons of sunlight then you also have to water waay more often as the soil gets dry quicker. This will also give you really big trees.....:)
  7. C

    Florida Outdoors (HELP)!

    south florida. i had 1 week old plants in small pots outdoors. Currently going through a cold front so i moved them indoors and unfortunatley i have no i am planning to keep all 4 babies in the darkness in my closet for 2 whole days(hopefully) or at least untill the front is over...
  8. C

    Florida Grow (HELP!!)

    south florida. i had 1 week old plants in small pots outdoors. Currently going through a cold front so i moved them indoors and unfortunatley i have no i am planning to keep all 4 babies in the darkness in my closet for 2 whole days(hopefully) or at least untill the front is...
  9. C

    What kind are we all planting?

    Himalaya Gold :) and some bagseed as always.... outdoors , soil, florida.
  10. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    I will be growing with miracle grow changing.... i wont be getting any meters... but i will be growing with Advanced Nutrients Micro Grow Bloom which i dont understand fully. If anybody could help me with how to prepare the nutes, how much of it,how often, and in which months. I...
  11. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    I dont think water is really a problem its just a matter of filling the 55 gallon containers from a nearby faucet with a hose. I am honestly expecting plants way over 8ft... how big would the root system get? would a 5gal pot contain it without obstructing the roots path? Or should i just dig...
  12. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    Does anyone think its to early for sprouting outdoors? could anybody explain to me the daylight hours/changes in south florida? There has been a couple of random cold nights.....but it is still nice and warm during the day thanks to the hot florida sun. They have been out no more than 2 days...
  13. C

    First Florida Outdoor Grow

    Hey guys, i recently just registered to the site but ive been reading lots. I have grown before, not so much but i understand the basics. I hope to harvest a decent load :hump: I live in South Florida and im planning to grow some monsters.(really just hoping to actually make it to...