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  1. C

    Revegging Questions

    A fully budded ready to harvest plant can not be revegged(at least its really hard) Only if the buds are relatively premature and the plant is showing signs of revegging.(new green leafs)
  2. C

    Revegging Questions

    Carefully cut out the crystally buds only, you can still dry and smoke them or do as you choose. Make sure to leave plenty of fan leafs and not harm there new growth. If she has a strong root system she will come back to veg as you slowly start feeding her nitrogen she will fully recover and...
  3. C

    what is the best non-violent form of revenge

    there is no such thing as a positive form of revenge because all the intention is negative accept what happened and be thankful nobody is hurt.(yet) i know its hard but if you are spiritual i know you can do it if your not spiritual(and you suspect your karma is already bad which is why you...
  4. C

    Biggest NUGG branch snapped off cuz of weather

    Cure it, then smoke it. :joint:
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    found a huge patch of weed, but lots of police activity

    What a way to put it..
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    Where to buy MOLASSES cheap?

    I use grandmas brand :hump: I go overboard with it.3-6 tsp per gallon. Plants dont mind. Its carbs and sugar to make the flowers nice and fat. It sounds like you have great soil so those roots and the flowers will enjoy taking in carbs. I payed same price its really not that bad. Do you want...
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    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    karma is a spiritual law. those coons will "pay the price" in a another form. free will is universal law. do what you do.
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    Racconns Destroy Seedlings!

    just cuz they are hungry is no good reason to kill them. this could be your karma be thankful you have something left. killing animals could bring worse karma. maybe use some wires around the plants to keep most animals out. since they are just seedlings they dont have to be in the ground yet...
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    payed 5$ for this seed and this is it!!!

    looks indica... very healthy and i see you began some LST. There is more than one plant in that pic where are the rest?
  10. C

    fan leaf rolling paper

    I heard fan leaves or "shade leaves" contain the highest amount of tar and carcinogens. All those tests that concluded that marijuana was more harmful than cigarettes ? They only tested the fan leaves. The actually bud flower contains way less tar and carcinogens. With that I hope you haven't...
  11. C

    WTF is my plant doing?? (Pics)

    Must have flowered early and now its trying to start new growth... You should snip all the small frosty buds off because the plant is no longer finishing them.. Those buds will rot away if you don't.. Just dry what you snipped and cure it to get a small preview of whats coming next flower. If...
  12. C

    budding in april?

    depending on where you live, they should reveg... when you see new nodes/leaflets on top of the buds I recommend snipping off all the buds without harming new growth for a faster reveg because the plant is still putting energy into the buds and not new growth. If all goes well you should end...
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    10 Uknown Soldiers - 7 weeks

    thanks :weed: any good things to say about overdrive?
  14. C

    Cola Toppin

    A flowering plant will not grow any new nodes or buds if you cut the cola. Like you said it's supposed to be done in the veg stage. Cutting a baby cola off is just reducing yield.:cuss: just sit back and watch that cola get big and dank :mrgreen:
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    10 Uknown Soldiers - 7 weeks

    beautiful nuggets congratz what nutes did you use?
  16. C

    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    Exactly! We are all the human race. I would not say we are the best........ actually we are pretty low to be killing our own human people and also our environment that we live in. Think about the advanced space civilizations that have highly developed morals. I like to call them Star Visitors...
  17. C

    Is piss good

    If you got nothing else, human piss is a working nitrogen fertilizer. Make sure to drink lots of water and remember to dilute the piss with regular water before feeding plants. Don't go and drink large amounts of energy drinks/coffee/soda/anything unnatural and then feed that piss to your...
  18. C

    Drying Outdoors?

    Big rubbermaid plastic box with cover and holes on the side covered with mesh to block bugs... then a small covering for the small holes to not let rain water in... then make layers of screen or mesh inside the box to place the actual nuggets, no stems or leaves.. put a small battery fan non...
  19. C

    Question About Storing Bud

    Would it be possible to harvest an outdoor plot completely outdoors? I mean cut down, trim, dry, and even cure outdoors, on or around the plot. Could you store the nugs underground in jars?
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    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    We are all brothers and sisters. The only "race" I see is the human race. Externally we may appear different but internally we are all really the same one. You should be proud to live and breath as a human on this beautiful earth.