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  1. L

    32 days

    you can flower them whenever you feel like it, and you can use your mh lights along with an hps its just kind of a waste of electricity. look into getting mh conversion bulbs they are made for mh ballasts but have way more red light in them. it's made to simulate hps light. i've never used one...
  2. L

    Vacuum Sealers

    definetly go with a vacum sealer dont get the cheapest one u can find its worth the money. foodsaver has the best ones. things like the bags that hook to a dyson or those glad sealers you see on tv are a waste over time they dont stay airtight. i cant say for sure if a dog can smell it but a...
  3. L

    is it safe to germinate seed and start it off in fox farm ocean forest right away?

    he might be right about a higher number of males im not sure. i just know i started rite in ffof and 5 weeks later i cant complain about any plant problems
  4. L

    is it safe to germinate seed and start it off in fox farm ocean forest right away?

    your good to use ffof last month i started 25 germinated seeds in ffof and every last one of them is looking fantastic. just dont use any nutes for at least a month. i have great results starting seeds in ffof.
  5. L

    i got busted :(

    thank you lol i dont know how many people on this site have ever gotten into serious trouble with the cops but im sure their all going to tell you its no fuckin joke
  6. L

    i got busted :(

    why is it that 7 out of 10 times i read a ?busted? thread its sombody whos parents caught them. i woundn't consider getting in trouble with mommy and daddy busted.
  7. L

    Awesome 6 week veg. under cfl's

    6 of my ladies 20" tall and super bushy all the way through the plant. they are at about 6 weeks of veg. I used FF ocean forest soil and FF grow big nutes and had them under cfl's (a shitload) and regular old home depot T-12 ballasts. I'm pretty happy with the results especially considering the...
  8. L

    Help with my DIY Aero Cloner

    Ok, so i've read about 20 DIY's on aero cloners and am coming up with one of my own, to me using neoprene or similar inserts seems to be the the best way to go but where do you guys find those things? is it somthing home depot or lowes would have or am i going to have to go to the hydro shop...
  9. L

    1 oz of trim.1/2oz bud....And the honey bee...

    I would go with the Bubble bags have you guys ever used these? i think they are awesome. i've never used a butane extractor before theres just somthing i dont like about spraying my weed with butane and smoking the extract. that's just my $.02
  10. L

    Playing Music to your plants

    I was happy to hear that i wasen't the only one too!! I think that guy (and his wife) just needs to open up his mind, it seems like he only believes what he can define with scientific evidence. hopefully he'll work on that. :peace:
  11. L

    Busted growing stories you guys?

    i hear you man i'm becoming a hermit myself i got poped pretty serious on some fucking bullshit and it makes me totaly paranoid. every time you get bagged it's sombody else that fucks things up for you i swear to god. alot of people are such pieces of shit and have no moral's these days
  12. L


    When did i tell him Not to grow? i said it's wrong to do it inside of his parents house and if i'm not mistaken you just told him the same thing except you also told him to grow it outtside of his parents house as if thats any better or his parents won't get in trouble for that ha! Clearly...
  13. L

    I hope this is a simple question

    how much molasses? what do you do like mix it up in a gallon of water or somting?
  14. L

    curiosity..even tho it did kill tha kat

    i dont think so, just grow it like you normally would and it's going to be considerably better mabe not chronic but it will be way way way the hell better than the bag you took it out of. almost all of that crappy weed is imported and due to the way they grow it in such quantity they don't tend...
  15. L

    Playing Music to your plants

    I'm totally with you guys i talk to my plants every day and their is alot of music played around them i cant be sure how much it helps because i havent ever grown a crop i didn't talk to but i really dont care, i think they like it. And jrh, we're not just a bunch of stoners here who talk to...
  16. L

    how much ado a pound cost in your town post

    thier is no age to smokin weed or buyin weed man the calander mite say you got a few years on you but if your young at heart you can do whatever you want
  17. L

    First grow ever, complete accident

    yea, schwag isn't a strain it's like a general categorey just any crappy weed is schwag basiclly. but the seeds you got must have some kind of strain most likley an imported one of lower quality but it definetly has a strain name. your problly never going to know it so this is you chance to make...
  18. L

    175watt MH in a 2x3 growbox

    it would work but i'd say you have a really good chance of setting that plastic bucket on fire
  19. L

    how much ado a pound cost in your town post

    around here it's like 1K for mids 3k for M39 and about 4200-5k for some kush obviously it gets cheaper the more you get but i still think it's pretty expensive. CT
  20. L

    Cutting a plant with interchanging nodes?

    Just clip it above any node and you will be ok it's just going to grow 2 chutes from that node and i wouldn't chop up the main stem if you want to cut the entire plant down to clone and it's a full 13" plant you can probly get like ten clones mabe more just cut every actively growing chute that...