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  1. kirob1415

    How much yield will i Get from my plant?

    Bout 20 pounds lol
  2. kirob1415

    Ways to cool your light?

    Yeah heat rises. I grow in a closet and cut a hole in the ceiling to vent the hot air and have duct hose running from my light > exhaust fan > ceiling on the other end of my light I have an intake duct hose with carbon filter at the end to suck up the cool air into the light then out to the...
  3. kirob1415

    ok what can i make to get the most tch from the plant

    Thats fuckin hilarious hahahaha
  4. kirob1415

    Ways to cool your light?

    If your exhaust port is near the top of your tent I would open it and if you dont have a port near the top Id just make one, you shouldnt lose much Co2 cuz its a heavy gas and falls to the floor.
  5. kirob1415

    Just taken clones now they drooping????????? Help

    Inside :) Keep them warm too they like heat for the first week or so. After a few days to a week I take off the dome and just do what I normally do. Im a beginner at clones too but what im doing seems to be working so Im sticking with it. Your set up may be different than mine so temps and RH...
  6. kirob1415

    Just taken clones now they drooping????????? Help

    Its normal just be patient they'll root and come alive. Make sure you put a humidity dome over them and vent them every now and then. Mist the dome to create the humidity. I use 2 liter bottles for my dome and they rooted in a couple days.
  7. kirob1415


    I stand corrected my bad
  8. kirob1415


    Im not positive on this but I think you can keep both bulbs going. And if you're flowering you should go to 12/12
  9. kirob1415

    Male Or Female

    Guess I never thought of it like that
  10. kirob1415

    Male Or Female

    He's gone just cut it down and started germinating 2 blue mystic seeds hope at least one of these is female. But cant complain I have a Big Bud femaile and a couple of its clones so its not a total loss
  11. kirob1415

    Male Or Female

    Time to germinate some seeds today I guess
  12. kirob1415

    Male Or Female

    FUCK........I have a female Big Bud for sure I should probably get that out of there ASAP huh?
  13. kirob1415

    Male Or Female

    This is a Blue Mystic I just put into flower last week. Could someone please tell me if this is a Male or Female. I am unsure. Thank you in advance.
  14. kirob1415

    Seeking advice

    For smell you can get this stuff called ONA at your hydro shop I got a little canister for 10 bucks and it does wonders. If you pull the lid off and leave the room, 15 mins later all odors are gone.
  15. kirob1415

    Seeking advice

    Itd probably work but you wont get a good yeild. Dont use tinfoil it wont reflect light like you'd think. You're plant is probably tall and lanky because of the height of which you have you light set at. One thing I learned from this site is the more light/air the better the yield. If I were you...
  16. kirob1415

    Yikes! Isaac headed this way!

    We're preparing for the storm too. Hope you get it all taken care of. Those are some monster plants hate to see it all ruined for ya. Good luck
  17. kirob1415

    Today's The Day

    Dont cut it unless its dead for sure it might come back to life. To me everything looks good. Good luck on your grow
  18. kirob1415

    leaves turning yellow with dark spots over some leaves

    Im going thru the same ordeal and was told it could be nute lock out or toxicity. Could be watering too often too. I was told to let them sit til the soil is almost pulled away from the edges of the pot before watering again. And if that dont solve the problem then the other alternative was to...
  19. kirob1415

    help growing mushrooms

    Youtube and some grow guidelines go a long ways Search google everything is there to learn how. I made up some cakes and got some syringes from they were Amazonian strain. I tripped my balls off. The main key to it all is sterility, warm temps and humidity at 90-100% Any...
  20. kirob1415

    i would like some critiques, tpis, hits and anything that would be helpful

    A good rule of thumb from what Ive read and have been told is to have 3 cfls per plant. During veg you would want cfls in the 5000-6700k or a mix of 2700k and 6700k (23-26 watts) or get an hps light system. (Depending on your grow space/airflow etc) Use rain water whenever you can its has...