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  1. D

    Best Rappers

    tone loc, will smith, shaquille O'neil best 3 ever
  2. D

    confused.. orange hairs or cloudy crystals???????

    The 48 hours of darkness theoretically causes the plant to freak out and create more trychomes. during the light cycle the plant gets the energy and the trychs are mainly produced in the dark cycle, also powerful light never has a chance degrade the thc before harvest. Its what Ive heard and it...
  3. D

    confused.. orange hairs or cloudy crystals???????

    dont water anymore, and turn off all lights for 48 hours then harvest. Also throw a dehumidifier in on low if ya have one.
  4. D

    hermaphrodite info PLEASE

    absolutely not! its worthless except for pollen.
  5. D

    Yemperature and Humidity Problems! Drying. Pics. Help needed!

    temps perfect, humidity is a little high but not problematic. put a fan in there.
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    15 mins to police come - threatnd :D

    when you finally leave and break up with her, have some other hot broad with you, act like its your new girlfriend that you started seeing after she called the police on you...that'll do it! or, kill her, either ones good
  7. D

    How to mix general hydrophonics

    Follow the feed chart, micro always first. If you see any burning lighten it up a little. I've always followed the chart at the different stages with great success. good luck
  8. D

    Obama wins, we lose. McCain wins, we lose.

    I give up. What?
  9. D

    Just got busted in Indiana

    Well Said.
  10. D

    Obama wins, we lose. McCain wins, we lose.

    I agree and would surmise that this behavior is exactly what started the totalitarianism in george orwell's 1984
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    Just got busted in Indiana

    "Nice Cops" are you kidding? They didn't have anything. Even when they caught you outside, they still had nothing! Even if they found the plant outside which they didnt, they have NOTHING. But when your finance let them take pictures of your op and take a fan leaf, that gave them enough to get a...
  12. D

    My pot movie

    3 lbs 71/2 ounces
  13. D

    Cloning ?

    You can get a small pump and airstone or change the water everyday. Phosphorus promotes root growth but not to much. No nitrogen till you have roots. A good growth hormone with B-1 helps. Ph should be low around 5.5-6.0. Minimal light at first slowly increase light as you see little root knobs.
  14. D

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    I told him last time, when I was someone else, less plants more weight. I believe He did it or hes really close. Ofcourse depends on the strain
  15. D

    Is this a hermie

    100% female, no worries those are completely normal
  16. D

    Shit Is This Fungus????

    thats algae not mold or fungus, its caused from the rockwool or sponge being exposed to the light not a huge deal just cover it and it will die. also I dont see signs of over ferts I see signs of not enough nitrogen.
  17. D

    Two months without any human interaction?

    so what happened?????
  18. D

    1 Hit, now being drug tested

    I Passed!!!! Thanks again for the info. Now I have to wait and see if Im gonna get drug tested in the custody/divorce courts. No smokin for me for a while. Its just not worth the stress.
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    1 Hit, now being drug tested

    I took the test today at about 10:30 a.m. I drank 2 monster glasses of water and a greenish yellow powerade before hand. I also took double the one a day b-12 vitamin I was taking. I pissed twice before the test, so the test piss was my third of the day. My piss was nice and clear but had a good...
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    1 Hit, now being drug tested

    I was smashed!!