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  1. below0

    Strong wind effects?

    In pots, yea my leaves are very big also, plant is over 2 feet tall already. Kinda want it to start Flowering soon, the light schedule where I live is 12/12 yearly, so I guess it should be anytime I hope, I don't know much about how it naturally develops into flowering on a year round 12/12...
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    Strong wind effects?

    Thursday, but like I said its been cloudy, so soil is still moist/wet, but not soaked.
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    Strong wind effects?

    Yes I know, but this is worse than normal. Really just want to know if its the strong winds that can have this effect on the plants. Guess I will just find out tomorrow morning.. if no one knows.
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    Strong wind effects?

    Def niether, but it has also been fairly cloudy past two days. But they were perky as shit all day today until the wind started hitting in the late evening, and as the night and daylight went away, they started to droop a little more and the winds also picked up a little stronger
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    Strong wind effects?

    Just wondering if Strong winds can cause the plants to look/become droopy at night.
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    Droopy leaves, Not a watering problem

    Are those roots coming out of the soil in picture 3?
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    How are you checking your PH? Digital or by liquid color test kit? cause your ph run off of 7 might actually be 7-7.5, and your actual PH of soil could be 7.5-8.5 They also say to test the first few drops that come out, to get a more accurate reading, is this how you tested?
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    I am curious as to how this is too much N? Isn't N Overdoes usually DARK GREEN leaves... those are clearly, very yellow. He also stated he just start using nutes very low nutes also 3-2-4 or something, I am no expert, but I don't think you need to be cutting N out of that plant, and still your...
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    does clipping fan leaves really enhance bud growth ?

    You should start a grow journal on that bad boy and show us how it turns out :clap:
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    HELP, Plants dying IDK what to do

    20-20-20 on top of MG soil, your plants will probably burn up for sure, if they are crunchy sounds like underwatering, or heat stress. and the Yellow if you PH is at 8 could be locking out the nutrients from your plant, which does not mean ADD more nutrients, it means lower your PH so your...
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    plant needs urgent help :(

    Believe its a PH problem, Nutes getting locked out Get a Soil tester, to test your Soil.
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    first hrow major leaf problems

    Should get rid of that tin foil on the bottom its not doing anything good for the plant other than overheating it. Get side lights, reflecting light for the bottom leaves isn't needed I could be wrong, but switching from Soil medium to hydro at 4 weeks is probably going to Shock and stress the...
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    Help!!! ?I don't want my plant to die!!

    probably animals dude, my cats ate the tops of some of my 1 week olds also.. had to toss the bare stem.. know it sucks.. but them the breaks of not growing in protected area
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    This is a great Thread on foliar feeding, to read up on.
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    I wouldn't use it as a long term solution, just a quick fix until you can get your soil conditions where they need to be :)
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    You need to bring that PH down to about 6.5, could be part of the problem also, nutes are not absorbed so well at that PH The growth could be the strain or mutation..
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    Been awhile since I've had to come in and ask.. but.. HELP!!!???

    I would do as much as you need to do it to make it strong and not look so stretched, Maybe leave at least inch, inch n half maybe from top. Hard to say with no pics.
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    US Customs confiscated my seeds!

    Make sure you tell the place you bought them from, they should replace them, its KINDA their job to get them past Customs, also from my understanding as long as you did not ACCEPT the package in hand, there is nothing they can do. Also if the place will not refund or send you new seeds, call...
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    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    What is your PH at? and maybe try some nutes a little stronger for a plant in that stage, probably not much left in that soil if thats all you have been giving her. You could try Foliar feeding the plant for a quick nutrient fix. Try something 10-10-10 or around that.