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    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    what are you currently using for nutes?
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    pale green leaves why?. did i burn my plant ? got pics need help. few other Q's aswel

    last time I checked plants like to grow up and towards light. again.. side is good for flowering and later stages of growth to promote stretch and light to lower foliage, from what I understand.
  3. below0

    pale green leaves why?. did i burn my plant ? got pics need help. few other Q's aswel

    The one on the top looks further away then 2-3 inches.... I would also reverse your setup, put the stronger one, up top and the weaker one on the side, I wouldn't even use the side one for another few weeks, I would have them both above for now until the leaves become big enough to start...
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    Need some help, shriveld/curled cupped down larger middle leaves with white margins

    Where is this source from? Would like to read the full thing
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    messed up my plant is it savable?

    possible, or possibly stunt growth... could try it I guess.
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    Is something wrong with my baby?

    Add one day to your water schedule and see if that helps or bring your lights very close to the plant. no higher then 2-3 inches
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    Seedling is wilted over! What happened?

    Stretch, stretch, get your light closer. I don't think that plant is going to make it in that medium though.. sorry. Would get it over to soil and bury it deep, if you want to save it.
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    messed up my plant is it savable?

    NO idea, but its common practice of any good garden when transplanting, to bury the plant as close the first set of fan leaves as possible.
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    messed up my plant is it savable?

    If you want, you could bury the plant deeper into the soil in one week, so that that trunk of the plant will Form Roots where its damaged, and the new growth will be sturdy and strong to support the plant for its life.
  10. below0

    Brownish and pointed, pics, please help

    not sure if its just me, but I don't think you need to be giving that plant nutes so early, I think you have overfed your plant, and its going to die, and if it does not die, it will be stunted for growth, best to start over, and not give nutes to your plants so early in life.
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    Is something wrong with my baby?

    What kind of soil are you using? and how big of a pot? and how often are you watering? Too me looks a little overwatered, nothing major. What is your lighting also?
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    how do you guyys like my weed plant?

    ...Jimmy crack corn and I dont care...
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    my weed....

    yea I agree, that just doesn't look like an MJ plant.
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    I dont think its possible to tell the sex from them yet, but just want to know if this plant is in flowering now, the two pictures are from both sides of the node
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    Ok I aksed this before premature and it was just stipulates, but I am convinced this is preflower... really want to know, since this would make it its 6th week in veg, if not. Its a balcony grow in a place in the world where the light schedule is always 12/12 outside all year round, so I don't...
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    Problem on leaves progressing please help

    You can foliar feed once if need be in flowering, some peope do it during flower everyday, and stop 2-4 weeks before harvest, to prevent mold.
  17. below0

    Run off PH off the charts

    How big are the pots? Are they curling up or down? and looking dry is usually something with PH or underwatering or nute prob. probably due to PH problem locking the nutes out. try and bring that run off to at least 6.3-6.8
  18. below0

    Low humidity during veg a big problem????

    I think its actually bad for the temps and humidity to go higher in the dark rather then in the light. Night time is the right time for cooler less humid conditions, at least I think so, You should def try and get some ventilation in there regardless.
  19. below0

    Strong wind effects?

    looking good, my Avatar is part of my current grow, I see your also doing a balcony grow :)