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  1. below0

    Yellow tips

    Lower your PH to 5.5-6.0
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    Early Male pre-flower?

    Hard to see from picture, put your Camera into MACRO mode, and try and take your fingers out of the picture as in macro mode it might focus more on them then what your trying to take a picture of
  3. below0

    Too much or not enough?

    Maybe Nitrogen Toxicity or P Def. Hard to tell by a few leaves, Where on the plant did the problem begin? What were the first signs?
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    Do nutes go Bad?

    Wouldn't any Organic be more likely to go bad faster...
  5. below0

    looking for some help with yellowing, brown blotches (pics, details)

    could be root aphids... which sucks =( usually the end result is death, hard to get these pesky little critters out of your pots without killing the plant, but your plant looks old enough where it might be able to endure some pesticides...
  6. below0

    HELP!!!!!! can not figure out whats wrong!!

    He doesn't need to be adding fert for nute burn, he already stated he is using miracle grow, and by the looks of that plant its overwatered, and usually if you overwater miracle grow soil, your going to get Nute burn. Not to mention probably having the light 2-3 inches from the plant gave it...
  7. below0

    HELP!!!!!! can not figure out whats wrong!!

    listen you either need to move these plants outdoor to get sunlight, or invest into some real lighting or even CFL's as someone mentioned earlier. Once you address this issue then you should start reading, and learning what the other problems are, and addressing them. And you saying your PH is...
  8. below0

    Whats wrong with my Clone?

    Just so you know, a PH of 2 is Very Acidic, would probably say plants will survive less then a day in that. Oh also, forgot to mention you hijacked this thread. Start your own, and ask your questions :)
  9. below0

    what is this?????

    I actually think I see a few little pests on that one leaf in picture one, maybe just dirt, but if it is, could answer your question
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    Help, I found this plant

    I wonder what the NPK would be. and if he was fat, you would probably burn the plants :(
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    Purpling with a bit of brown spotting???

    Sounds/looks like P Def. If your growing in soil maybe try and raise your PH up a little to 6.5-7.0, maybe the P is just getting locked out.
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    Help pleaz--red spots spreading----i got pics---

    Dude from these second set of pictures, looks like a fungus or something, I thought your leaves were yellow from your previous post, but I was mistaken due to poor quality of the photos, pretty sure this is some sort of disease
  13. below0

    Yellowing and copperish speckled leaves!?! HELP!

    2-3 times the amount of the pot, or until you see the runoff become clear
  14. below0

    Week 5 Flower and Disaster.. HELP!?!

    looks like nute burn, you could flush it, and feed it nothing but Ph'd water for the next week, but the damage is done, just look towards new growth now.
  15. below0

    Ph Problem Or Nute Deficiency?

    yea I dont know why you did what you did, PH was fine, there is no PH problem with those plants, maybe a little overwatered or not enough light, but those plants look fine, like the above post... with 5.0 now you will probably be running into problems that you just created yourself.
  16. below0

    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    Best I can tell you, without knowing your PPM again, is to maybe add 10ml Of Grow and 20ml Of bloom see if that is going to help you with the yellowing, and maybe with the spots, lower your dose to 5Mg CAl/Mag for maybe two weeks, might be a little intoxicated from it and locking stuff out.
  17. below0

    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    PPM and again HOW MUCH OF WHAT are you feeding the plant, Im off to bed though.. will answer your question tomorrow if it doesn't tonight
  18. below0

    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    how big are your tanks? how much of what are you feeding.. man come on.. why do I need to pull teeth to help... PPM? Liquid Karma? how often are you draining and refilling your reservoir? If you want help on a DWC grow your going to need to give us the schedules and full details of your grow
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    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    PH ppm? elaborate on your grow bro... give the full specs
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    Name this deficiency plzz---GOT PICS----

    Pure blend pro what? there are many kinds