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  1. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    mmm I so remember this and love this
  2. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    oops looks like someone can't figure out what is what.. I personally would say american.
  3. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    OMG thank you for bringing this up... Someone said canadians are pussies... Canadian hockey teams ARE KNOWN for Handing out BEAT DOWNS to USA teams... And I tip 15% of the bill.. Your just Stereotyping.
  4. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    haha, they got alaska, probably the best thing they ever did for resources.
  5. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    For normal TERRAIN, Mountains will get snow and cold weather even if they are located next to a HOT Tropical, or Desert Terrain common sense, How do you think Dessert are formed? usually because of mountains blocking out or consuming the majority of the precipitation. I'am sorry that I forgot...
  6. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    lol you disprove my original post, by proving there is snow in the mountains of SoCal?
  7. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    pretty sure its in the North part though but again, I never said you guys dont get snow or cold weather, You guys are the ones assuming we have cold weather ALL YEAR ROUND yup here it is.
  8. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    Regardless of the Canada USA disputes, out of any countries in the world, they are probably the best two to live in. Which is the best comes down to personal opinion
  9. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    OK... yes I know, but your the one who Assumed we could not have water sports... I just liberated your bias opinion on that though. I know that you do have snow, I stated it in my above posts your northern states get cold and are similar to Canadian weather.
  10. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    Snowboarding, skiing, Tubing, Snowball fights, Snoow Football, Hockey, kinda missing out on those for a few lame water sports. I don't see Water skiing in the Olympics And like the above poster, we get all the Warm sports for quarter of the year, just dont need them all year round. Its called...
  11. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    I didn't say we were not affected at all, I said that we were not nearly as affected as bad as everyone else, we were FTW on this recession. Probably due to the fact we have really good banking.
  12. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    hey I never said we dont have some Goofy shit :) But you know you guys have some of those also :) and I wasn't stereotyping, most of that stuff is facts, stereotyping would be saying your all fat, fast food eating rednecks. <-- which I dont believe, because like you said.. its stereotyping
  13. below0

    Don't like Canadians?

    You do realize USA is one big illusion some examples of your JEWEL states, D.C is actually a swamp, and a man made city, California is another man made city, really would just be a big desert with out that Man MADE water supply to the south, Your best states are the most northern ones, and oh go...
  14. below0

    Too much or not enough?

    I take it you also have been trimming leaves off? in the pics it looks just like the lower foliage dying off.
  15. below0

    Crossing Cannabis with not Cannabis

    I think that if it was possible it would be done already, no great secret can go untold.
  16. below0

    my marijuana plants leave????

    I think someone peed on your plant outside =-( lol Provide pics and more details...
  17. below0

    Is this plant looking okay?

    Looks/sounds normal, but you should probably include how old the plant is if you want someone who has grown this before to answer you correctly.
  18. below0

    Does this look good or a little yellow

    looks like a nice healthy grow so far good job
  19. below0

    marajuana mad science ( i <3 tinfoil ) vs
  20. below0

    what can marijuana cross breed with

    or Skanky white pussy :) Either way, it would be closer to the Paris Hilton Strain