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  1. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    We are all here to help! There are no dumb questions here - if you aren't sure about something ASK! I'm pretty confident in saying the major posters in this thread are good guys and aren't gonna jump down your back or make fun of any questions. Try to find the answer first in the thread but if...
  2. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    If you run veg 24/0 your plants are going to be WAY too big before you put them into bloom in a perpetual harvest every 3w. Trust me on this one...Stink will tell you the same thing and so will Dirthawker. DP
  3. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    What I'm doing right now is just double checking my water from the tap by using my pH/ppm meter to see if I can use it instead of Reverse Osmosis water. I filled up a cup of water and it measured 250ppm. I'm going to leave it out for 48 hours and measure the ppm again and see if it drops. If it...
  4. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Well I have a Fruit of the Gods with is (Skunk#1 x NL 5) that is between 5 and 6'. I had to start tieing the tops down and that the sativa in the front of the middle system in the left post. In the back on that same left post is a Thai Super Skunk (another sativa which was free seed from an...
  5. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    What really shocked me is that in that picture the system on the left - those plants have only been in for 2 weeks. There are Delta 9 Fruit of the Gods (Skunk#1 X NL5) in the back which are a sativa and Reserva Privada Purple Wreck (Urkel x Trainwreck (T4) in the front. They've grown SO much...
  6. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hey Dirthawker - I know your plants are doing very well however I think you may have a even BETTER harvest after you get the RO system in place. My reasoning for saying this is that if your water is very high in ppm the chlorine content if elevated can kill alot of the beneficial bateria that...
  7. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I have a pair of spring loaded pruning shears that I use. I clip as close to the stem of the leaf as possible. If it is a leaf connected to the main stem I snip right where it connects. If it is a leaf that connects to another stem/branch I snip very close to the leaf stem that I want to remove...
  8. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Dirt - what's up buddy. You have a harvest coming up very shortly don't you? I've got one coming in two weeks - my first aero harvest and I'm pretty excited. In any case about the hash making - I trim ALL the time the lower leaves, branches, etc. My understanding about making hash is that...
  9. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Dirt - I've actually been spending quite a bit of time every day trimming out branches and leaves that are at the bottom of the plant which either do not get enough light due to the canopy being thick. I do not remove any thick branches which have made their way to the light and started to...
  10. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I'm no expert but I think your buds will be fine...obviously from this point forward I'd use a RO system if I were you. As I mentioned earlier I've been using a RO system this entire time and it' s a little bit of a pain but not bad once you get a system established for how you are going to do...
  11. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Sounds like you need to calibrate your ppm meter to me. If your tap water is really 590ppm I'd be out getting a RO system. I have been using Reverse Osmosis for all my water from the start because my water is pretty hard. I haven't checked but I believe my water is above 200ppm. I've never heard...
  12. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I use storage solution and have a Hannah pH/ppm/temp/EC meter. I'm not convinced that the solution is needed but it's in the manaul so I oblige..the probe has a plastic tip that I fill with the solution after use.
  13. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Sorry I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with what you had there. I was just trying to provide another viewpoint for the person who asked the question about lighting. I'm not sure there is a "right" or "wrong" answer - just the info that's out there and it's up the person to decide what would work...
  14. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Stink - I know you said you change nutes out and do a res change every 3w. I'm assuming you are still on that schedule and it's working out ok? Dirt - are you on the 3w resevoir change out as well? I've been doing it every 2w but obviously I'd like to move to 3w to create less work for...
  15. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    It really depends on how many systems you've got and what your square footage is but for THREE bloom systems I would much rather have 3-4 600w HPS than 2 1000w and I'd rather have 4 600w HPS than 3 1000w as well. I'm an eco-friendly guy and the 600w HPS is the MOST efficient HID light you can...
  16. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Safe distance for flouros is pretty much right on top of the leaves - within an inch or 2. General rule is that if the light isn't going to burn your hand it is not going to burn your babies. I put flouros right up on those plants, often they touch the tubes and it's fine because the tubes run...
  17. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Two questions - First - are you guys constantly trimming the bottom leaves that aren't getting enough light and leaves that have some damage for whatever reason? I find myself doing this constantly - every couple of days and I've only got 6 plants in my bloom system that has 4w left. I...
  18. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    The sativas will stretch like a mofo and the indicas will not stretch like a mofo unless you have the light way too high. There's really nothing you can do to prevent the sativas from growing tall so the best bet is to either top them or to tie them back. You could also start the sativas into...
  19. DragonPhoenix

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey andyman - what is the box with the red wire going to it? It's not in the original picture on p186. Thanks again, DP