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  1. Plowboy

    Pic problems Please help driving me nuts

    I've been having the same problem. The little circle of dots, indicating that uploading is underway, just spins and spins. I have let it do this for hours and nothing. I even posted my pics at photobucket and tried to upload them from there. NOTHING! I even went into internet...
  2. Plowboy

    First CFL Grow: Barney's LSD

    I'm not sure if those are bananas or not. Maybe you could start a new thread to get someone with more experience to take a look. If they are the fix could as simple as just picking them off if there aren't too many. What kind of neem oil are you using? I've never washed mine off before. The...
  3. Plowboy

    First CFL Grow: Barney's LSD

    I completely forgot I had a stem split a while back. It grew back with a fairly large gap. I tried to post a pic but was unable. Maybe there is something wrong with the site or I'm not doing something right. Probably the latter, I've never posted pics here before.
  4. Plowboy

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    Oh no! Here we go again.
  5. Plowboy

    Can you legally trade marijuana?

    Interesting. Anyone here thinking of trying to go the collective route?
  6. Plowboy

    Looking For Clones

    Anybody know where I can find some TGA clones, Esp. Plush berry?
  7. Plowboy

    Denver Opens 300 New Dispensaries?

    I saw that on Jay Leno last night. Don't think so.
  8. Plowboy

    Mycho And Systemic Feeding With Azamax

    I'm gonna have to give that a try indi. I'll take all the mite resistance I can get. Until I can afford the ultimate mite killer - CO2.
  9. Plowboy

    DEA: MJ has no medical value

    That's a good one Tet. Someone needs to tell that to the lawmakers here in Co. They're still trying to figure out how much THC you can have in your system before you get charged with DUI. The last I heard it was a ridiculously small amount.
  10. Plowboy

    Sugar Water

    Yah it looks like you might have some heat stress going on there.
  11. Plowboy

    Why use less molasses? I want my bud as sweet and dense as possible

    LOL Dipshit Edition? hahaha! I'm definitely not an expert (currently on my 4th grow all organic soil.) I do not use store-bought cal/mag or micro-nutrient formulas. I didn't use molasses on the first 2 grows. The third grow I used 1 tsp. molasses/1 gal. water throughout veg and flower except for...
  12. Plowboy

    DEA: MJ has no medical value

    Is this in response to big pharma trying to get marijuana reclassified?
  13. Plowboy

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    I always love shopping with other peoples money! BTW I read the whole thread and I have to say it was pretty entertaining. Loved watching the ups and downs of getting everything set up. Thanks for showing the good with the bad (mistakes.)Seriously though, I thought you got busted when you...
  14. Plowboy

    Anyone Else Here Grow For Their Own Use And Don't Sell?

    I tried to grow a few plants in a closet with incandescent lighting and backyard soil back in the 70's during another unemployed period in my life. Needless to say they didn't do very well. Didn't even finish the grow. Now with 4 harvests completed I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I...
  15. Plowboy

    I Split the Grow Tip without Cutting. Worth the Shock with Pics

    You'll get the hang of it. Experimenting and makin mistakes is how you learn.
  16. Plowboy

    Happenings That Changed Your Life?

    No matter how bad you think you've got it, you don't have to look far to find someone worse off than you
  17. Plowboy

    Anyone Else Here Grow For Their Own Use And Don't Sell?

    What a bunch of shit. This country is going to hell.
  18. Plowboy

    DEA: MJ has no medical value

    Like most government officials and programs, they have to justify their existence.
  19. Plowboy

    I Blew Some Glass Yesterday

    This is so cool! Man, I'd really like to do something like this until they can get the economy going again. Who knows? After 30 years I'm getting to the point where I'm kinda tired of playing on construction sites all day.
  20. Plowboy

    I Blew Some Glass Yesterday

    I used to use paypal till I lost my credit cards and checking account. Paypal won't let me use my unemployment card to make transactions with. Kinda sucks. I can't even use my card to make online transactions.