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  1. Tinker Greenly

    C02 yields vs non

    OK, got it. I'd heard from some supposedly knowledgeable people that you need to inject your co2, let it sit for an hour or two, vent, and then start the cycle again. I guess if you can't have fluctuations of more than 200ppm this would be self defeating. What happens when you need to work...
  2. Tinker Greenly

    C02 yields vs non

    Thanks, this is a very informative post. My question is about the exhaust fan. Sounds like you don't run it all during the light phase?
  3. Tinker Greenly

    Best TGA yielder? Most potent? best high?

    I just harvested some Querkle and have to say it's a really excellent plant. It grew quickly and easily and was a solid purple and ready to harvest in seven weeks. It also yielded well averaging 2.3oz per plant for me.
  4. Tinker Greenly

    Grow Light Height

    I've read that line about using your hand to judge proper light height all over the web and in lots of books and magazines. It's probably not bad advice but it's never sounded quite right to me. After all, my hand can take a heck of a lot more heat than I'd ever want my plants to feel...
  5. Tinker Greenly

    Querkle - 2nd grow

    I've got a half dozen Querkle plants about four weeks into bloom and they look fantastic. I've never grown this stain before but think I'll have to try it again. I'd read that it was very slow to grow in veg, but I don't think that's true. It's a nice stout plant with big buds that are...
  6. Tinker Greenly

    advanced nutrients vs. fox farm

    Kudos to Uncle Ben for telling the truth and slaying the hordes of zombie-noobs! It's been amazing to read this thread and see how much fanatical loyalty there is to companies that pedal BS to ignorant fools. I guess if you've spent hundreds of dollars on nutes then you have a real...
  7. Tinker Greenly

    Is this a Hermie?

    Update: I harvested, dried and am now curing the buds and it looks like everything is OK! I haven't found any seeds in any of the plants, not even the one that went hermie. I was really concerned about that one because when I manicured it it looked and felt a little different than the other...
  8. Tinker Greenly

    GH Maxi Series for hydro

    I've used the Maxi series in both hydro and soil grows and have been very happy with the results. I agree with the other comments here about needing to add some Grow to the Bloom. I usually add somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 tsp Grow per four gallons to keep the plants lush and green. A long...
  9. Tinker Greenly

    Water runoff question

    Thanks Cammo, that's a great common sense approach, and pretty much what I'm doing right now. My question is, once you get runoff do you need to empty the saucer right away? I always do but it's a huge pain in the a$$ and I'm always tempted to let it sit and hope that either the plant will...
  10. Tinker Greenly

    Purple Diesel or Grandaddy Purple

    Purple Kush is a similar plant and can be a high yielder if vegged long enough. I've gotten 4oz off a single PK plant (indoor hydro), although the norm for me is more like 2oz.
  11. Tinker Greenly

    Is this a Hermie?

    Anyone..... It would be great to hear from people that have had this problem themselves. I guess I'll post again after harvest with what I found.
  12. Tinker Greenly

    Is this a Hermie?

    Bummer. This was just one bud with several pollen sacks on it. I can't imagine it had been like this for more than a few days before I spotted it. I cut it down, but do you think my other flowering plants are toast? Put another way, if you get a hermie is it likely your crop will be heavily...
  13. Tinker Greenly

    Is this a Hermie?

    Yes, it was the only plant with this kind of growth, which is another reason I think it could be a hermie. I looked over the whole crop and couldn't find anything else like it. Here's another photo from a different angle. It's hard to tell the difference between a sack around the banana and a...
  14. Tinker Greenly

    Is this a Hermie?

    I spotted this on one of my Odyssey plants five days from harvest. I've never had a hermie problem before, but this sure looks like it to me. Can anyone offer a second opinion? As soon as I saw this I put a bag over the branch, cut it down, and took it out of the room. Strange thing is that...
  15. Tinker Greenly

    Kryptonite OG, Chemdawg D, Sour Grapes Indoor Grow

    I'm growing several Kryptonite plants from the Oaksterdam/Blue Sky guys and according to them the genetics are The Purps x Killer Queen, not OG Kush x Sour Diesel. I think there's at least two main strains called Kryptonite which has lead to a lot of confusion. My plants don't look anything...
  16. Tinker Greenly

    Questions about Light Stress

    I've been wondering just what exactly constitutes light stress, and with a power outage hitting recently, it seems like a good time to get some answers. Obviously we all know you can't shine a flash light on your plants or otherwise interrupt the dark cycle, but there are lots of other...
  17. Tinker Greenly

    Is this powdery mildew?

    I've been battling powdery mildew in my budding plants but haven't seen much of it in my veg area--except for this whitish looking stuff on the base of my plants. Is this PM, another disease, or something totally harmless? I've got an ebb & flow set up with veg plants under 8 bulb T5...