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  1. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    I actually pulled off the first of it a few weeks ago and have been smoking it. It works pretty good, a nice mellow but gravity fed high. I've been sleeping like a baby at night. Insight appreciated, thank you.
  2. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    A cat knocked over the starts I was given. lol It was a random strain.
  3. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    This is how it looks as of this a.m. I'm not sure what to look for, are you guys ok with how things are going? I'm about to get a week of 50's sunny days and 30's-50's at night. Thoughts? Appreciated.
  4. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    Still dry as hell, gonna be raining for the next few days. My little shelter is really working. Looks like a week or so of sun coming next week.
  5. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    So far so good. Not a sign of moisture on the plant, it seems happy as hell. It's turning more purple by the day. 4 more days of rain and mild temps, then the forecast calls for 4-5 days of sun or partial sun in the 50s during the day. I'm going to try to make it until November.
  6. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    Thanks for the advice. I took the front wall off and added a small fan.
  7. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    I've cut the bottom foot or so off of the curtains. There is a pretty constant breeze through there, the curtains act like billows and most of the time, she's rockin in the wind. :)
  8. P

    Moisture and cold. . .

    Greetings, first post. I have a question or two about temps and rain . . . It looks like it's going to be raining for about the next 10 days at least. The forecast is for temps in the day to be between 50 and 60, the lows at night about 40-50. I built a roof for it before it started raining...