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  1. S

    My new grow room build step by step(pics)

    hey how is your lights set up... do you have 1000watt under one reflector and a 400watt just hanging ? other then that this grow is very very clean i love the simplicity...
  2. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    are you currently running hydro? and ive read that i can yield about 2-3 pounds just of 16-17 plants with one 1K light and this is only in a 4x4 room with just a light and fan... im guessing since the room is so small he didnt need any dehumidifer or anything else to sustain it. after...
  3. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    i hear you on that one... but anyone know how mant watts i can pump out without the man catching notice ??
  4. S

    been looking through your albums... i really like... how many grows you got going in that one...

    been looking through your albums... i really like... how many grows you got going in that one place ? also with the sensi skunk it looked like you couldve fit another 4 in there to make it a nice 20 just wondering why you didnt ??
  5. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    and other good info available on this site??
  6. S

    new grow room, new country, minimal english

    looks really good is that a house or apt ? and did you rent the room or the whole house or basement ?? jst wondering because im planning on getting my own place also but scared the landlord might jus pop in and snoop around
  7. S

    You think you know lighting?

    greatttt info... never really thought it about it like that... makes total sense though that a higher yielding mother will yield more of her lil clones... very informative... what strain are you using right now to yield such great proportions..
  8. S

    You think you know lighting?

    thanks that answered my question also so you have 6"fans attached to each 1000w do you think one 1000K would be able to cover a larger surface less lumens per plant but would it yield a larger quantity ??
  9. S

    You think you know lighting?

    yes i agree those are some astonishing numbers... and only of one 1000W light.... whatkind of set up did you have for those 16 plants fan, dehumidifier, ballast lpease elaborate im still astonished and if you had more space would you have been able to fit more plants under that 1000W light?? and...
  10. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    kiss-assthank you for that valuable info... i was reading on one mans grow journal he just had flowering stages each stage 4x4 with about 25-26 plants... the 2 - 4x4 spaces were covered with only one 1k hps light so in total he only had 2 1k lights in his flowering room coering almost 100...
  11. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    hhahah well dont think ill be growing to sell to be honest... not really into that scene... more of like a hobby and put away for stock... alot of my friends smoke we could go through a whole pound a week.. but your light system sounds pretty grand... your pushing almost 2k in every room.. i...
  12. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    thanks for looking out... well with out experience ill never know.. and i were to pull this off i would definetly see some set backs along the way but thats expected even with a smaller grow.. all im saying is that ive been readinge everyones grow journals at least 1-2 a day and i think its not...
  13. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    LOL nexcare this is me :dunce: i know i know what do you mean by "3 elbows" ? and also the fact of being dialed in ? what kind of lights are your running 3 600watts ? and how many weeks until you yield ?
  14. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    LOL i would love to do hydroponics bca21... BUT... im a amateur and dont want to mess up... but im definetly considering a vertical grow.. could you give me an example of a 100 site aero pvc... maybe i will do half and half while i get used to it.. hopefully by the end of this year i can go...
  15. S

    You think you know lighting?

    thanks for the info... really appreciated anyway i could yield close to 500-600 with a soil operation ? i dont think im experienced enough to start with hydroponics... and sorry for straying off topic on your thread man but this is very valuable information right here that must be said hahahaha
  16. S

    You think you know lighting?

    and did you top your plants ?
  17. S

    You think you know lighting?

    is there any topics on here that refer to the NFT i would love to get better informed about that.... cause i just aquired 2 600watt HPS... and if your saying that you can make a yield of that size thats more then a pound every month almost even 2.... thats crazy i would never think possible...
  18. S

    Greatest yield grow room

    also i would like to do this organic not hydroponics...
  19. S

    You think you know lighting?

    thanks man.. gave me a lil insight that was well needed... sorry i dont know what NFT means.. i just got in this forum a few days ago... not used to all the lingo... also are you describing a hydroponic set up ? because i seen in your pictures you were using soil
  20. S

    grow set up.. what ya think...

    i heard 400w dont give it enough umph... and you wont get buds as big as you would using a 600W.. supposedly the 400W doesnt penetrate as good as the 600W... so even 1000W would be better to get juicer lookin buds...