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  1. corvetteguy

    is 5 gallon bucket a good size for pot?

    You are incorrect. It will not create dry pockets and it will allow air to be more readily available to the plants root system. Research air pots and you will see the difference it makes on your plants. In my 22 years of growing experience i have heard many claims of ideas and products that...
  2. corvetteguy

    Second Light questions

    A second light would be ideal, but if your really afraid of the electric usage then have you considered a light rail-mover?
  3. corvetteguy

    1000 watt closet grow

    For only eight days thats impressive. Good job!
  4. corvetteguy

    best cheap way to prevent deer, rabbits or other animals from eating your crop?

    I have been an outdoor grower for a long time and I have tried many things to keep animals out of my grow. The urine works well i have a 2 gallon jug that i use to collect mine in and i pour large circles around my girls with it. Other things that have worked well for me are moth balls (remember...
  5. corvetteguy

    100 Dollars

    A hundred dollars is enough to open a savings account and thats what I would do with it if I were you.
  6. corvetteguy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    That looks like some good shit GP&C. Judging by the pictures that you posted it looks like 2 or 3 weeks left atleast. Wait for it to ripen it will be worth the wait trust me. Good job man.
  7. corvetteguy

    YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! 2 INCH, 4 MONTH old autoplant. Now What??

    LOL - GOOD ONE - I can't belive that many people fell for it. I hate to be the one to spill the BEANS (pun intended), but that is NOT even marijuana. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  8. corvetteguy

    4 plants enough for 1000watt SCROG?

    I have seen 100 plants under 600 watts and I have seen 4000 watts on a single plant. The number of plants is insignificant to the final outcome as long as you adjust the vegg time accordingly. You may have to vegg your girls a while longer with only four plants, but they will still produce...
  9. corvetteguy

    Guess dry weight.

    Thats an ounce easy maybe a little more. But whats even better than a zip of great smoke is that you grew it yourself. Congrats on a successul harvest it looks like some good shit.
  10. corvetteguy

    Who is using the most power?

    Yes in america they do take notice of extreemly high usage. However 5000 would not be enough to be noticed. I personally know people who average 7500 a month(and they don't even grow). And their usage has never been questioned. I would think that no matter where your at a high amount of usage...
  11. corvetteguy

    Who is using the most power?

    Mine averaged 2000 in the summer and 4000 in the winter(I have electric heat) BEFORE I started growing in a 3 bedroom house.
  12. corvetteguy

    SCOTTYBALLS Tribute Grow! Pineapple Express 400w Scrog Waterfarm

    Hello Kriz I have been watching alot of these waterfarm grows, and I am interested in trying it myself. If you don't mind I have a couple questions for you. First I was wondering how difficult a waterfarm would be to maintain compared to other forms of hydro such as hempy, dwc, flood and drain...
  13. corvetteguy

    Miracle Grow Works Fine

    I have used it as well, but it is extreemly hot and must be used with care. Have you tried miracle gro african violet liquid 7-7-7 in the purple bottle? I have used it with alot of success and I like it much better than the blue granules, and it's just as cheap. I start with 8 drops per gallon...
  14. corvetteguy

    Club 600

    That is a tobacco worm. I have never seen one of those in my plants, but they are everywhere where I live.
  15. corvetteguy

    How much light for how much square footage?? Newbie question

    When you say killz I assume you are reffering to their flat white latex primer and if so that would work just fine, but remember to give it plenty of time to set and harden so that it has fully quit producing toxic vapors that may hurt your plants. It can take anywhere from 2 days to a week...
  16. corvetteguy

    Green Light???

    Thank you I had no idea they even made those.
  17. corvetteguy

    Green Light???

    Thank you very much, that is too cool.
  18. corvetteguy

    How much light for how much square footage?? Newbie question

    Those charts do not apply to growing cannabis, that would be an extreemly underlit grow space that would produce very little bud for the given area.
  19. corvetteguy

    How much light for how much square footage?? Newbie question

    A 600 watt hps would cover a 4x4 area nicely and will produce good growth, two 400 watt lights would be even better in my opinion as long as you are not growing anything over 3 of 4 foot tall plants. If you can cool it a 1000 watt would be the best, and would produce explosive growth, but would...
  20. corvetteguy

    Green Light???

    I would like to add a green light to my room for my girls, but I don't know where to get one at. They have green bulbs at walmart (I believe they are called party bulbs), but I am afraid to try one without knowing if it is the right kind. So if anyone has any experience with this please let me...