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  1. H


    the day after transplanting, I opened up my DWC bucket and checked the PH and PPM, the plant drank water and ph and ppm slightly increased. For example, PPM increased about 20, and PH increased from 5.8 to 5.9. I topped it off with more water... What is the meaning of this? Thx for...
  2. H

    What is wrong with my plants? With Pics

    More questions: Its been a day since I transplanted, This morning I have checked the pH and it has gone up to 6.01, and ppm rose to 370ppm. They are both high because of low water that means it only drank water..hmmm. anyways I topped it with more water. My temp is now 80, and the humidity is...
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    What is wrong with my plants? With Pics

    I just tranplanted these, I do not "water", just feeding through DWC.
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    What is wrong with my plants? With Pics

    Would any one agree with Echlectica on doubling the nutrients? Correct me if my ideas are wrong, I was thinking of slowly increasing ppm by 200 each week, so then by 4th week of vegetation it would reach around 1000ppm, if I double it now that would exceed 500ppm...If experts agree with ech...
  5. H

    What is wrong with my plants? With Pics

    Hiya guys, I just transplanted in DWC, its been 2 weeks old both with 350 ppm, and ph of 5.8 My Temp is 82F RH is 40% Using 5 gallon DWC bucket These don't look that healthy to me..what do you guys think the problem is?
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    Advanced Nutrient help will be appreciated :)

    I am sure that it is safer to start off with low ppm, but according to advanced nutrient website it suggests to start with 1040ppm. Is this the right way to do it? My research suggests to start with 300 ppm, and gradually increase to full strength at the end of week 4. This is for vegetative...
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    Quick Fan speed question, wondering if this scenario is possible

    I have a Carbon filter that can draw 200cfm maximum and a exhaust fan that can draw 700cfm. I know that the exhaust fan is too powerful for the can filter, but by using fan speed controller lower the speed of exhaust fan, is it possible for two be used together.
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    High CFM exhaust fan, low cfm carbon filter

    Hey guys, I am wondering if its possible to have a low cfm carbon filter but a high cfm exhaust fan. For example the carbon filter would able to pull 265cfm to 460cfm, and the exhaust fan pulls 700cfm... possible scenario?
  9. H

    Help!, I need a diagnose on my seedlings...its falling over *PICS* Included

    when do you think its ready to be transplanted. I have one more quesiton I have a humidity dome on, would it be fine to take it off? Because I have to lower the lights
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    Help!, I need a diagnose on my seedlings...its falling over *PICS* Included

    I am going hydro, well thanks kushis sweet, I haven't used any nutes yet. Can anyone explain the brown leave phenomonen?
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    Help!, I need a diagnose on my seedlings...its falling over *PICS* Included

    Its been a week now, ever since i plug that thing inside rapid rooter. I have some problem though, no.1 problem child is going down, and problem child 2's leaves are brown.... What is wrong and what can I do to fix it?
  12. H

    Lets say I put in a frozen water bottle in my DWC...

    Wouldn't that cause root rot, because I have to open the lid and the lights will go inside?
  13. H

    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    Wow that plant grew much faster than what I saw in the book, lol Once the cotyledons sprouts I can just move to DWC and start with vegging nutes huh?
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    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    Some say seedlings do not need any nutes for 20 days..some say they do... lol who should i listen to?
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    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    Ah, I get it, guess I got my facts messed up. thanks budding Waiting on the MH question now...
  16. H

    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    Hi guys, got some simple question. In the marijuana horticulutre book it states it takes 4-6 weeks for seedlings to fully mature to begin the vegetative stage. But, is it fine to just plant fresh tapp rooted' seedlings, which are 7-14 days old, and put it inside the DWC net pot and let it...
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    Need help on vegetative stage idea

    How many plants can be vegged under T5?
  18. H

    Need help on vegetative stage idea

    I have 600w x 4 reflectors for flowering, going DWC. I am stuck on idea what to with with vegetative stage, I was thinking of just putting the seedling into 30, 5 gallon DWC and run 4x 600 watts MH, but that is lot of electricity wasted just for vegging. Any ideas?
  19. H

    Critique my setup...

    My intake would be hella big then, 2 square feet as one big intake port.
  20. H

    Pot or lithium? I choose pot :)

    Pot or lithium? I choose pot :)