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  1. moops

    DIY bong, parts bought from

    it devours nugs quickly. it will easily fit a "popcorn-size" nug into the bowl. the bowl isn't as large as it looks. it's mostly glass, and the actual bowl is smaller. the bowl is always cleared in two hits. i "tested it out" on a fella who regularly provides people with high-quality...
  2. moops

    DIY bong, parts bought from

    I bought some pyrex glassware from Ebay - in total, purchases came to less than $50. I already had drillbits for glass. I bought grommits from the hardware store for a couple bucks. The expensive part was buying the "rose" for it - the local headshop charged me an arm and a leg. What do...
  3. moops

    FREE CO2 - just breathe on your plants!

    if it gives you one more trichrome, it's worth it.
  4. moops

    695w envirolite grow questions.

    That's definately suitable for vegging. Not sure about flowering - lemme think about that.
  5. moops

    CFL super Buds thread!!!

    ~350 watts total, 1-125w bulb and as many 43s and 23s as i could fit around her gave me two ounces of this wonderful unknown bagseed grow
  6. moops

    Spidermites in Flowering

    Can Doktor Doom Spitermite Knock-Out be used during flowering? addendum: You definately CAN use Doktor Doom, up to a few days before harvest. it breaks down within 24 hours of application. or get floramite. it's more expensive and doesn't break down for 2-3 weeks, so you have to plan when to...
  7. moops

    Nitrogen burn or deficiency

    I'm going to say burn. I just went through a N deficiency, and it didn't look spotty like that. Also, in the second pic, you can see a leaf bent down when no others are doing so. that reminds me nute burn on my last project.
  8. moops

    Why throw away the dead leaves?

    I actually crush my leaves and put them in the compost bucket. So technically, I don't throw away my dead laves - they become food for something else.
  9. moops

    500w cfl grow,isit cool enough?

    You sound like you're all set. I've done small grows with pure CFL and they turned out wonderful. Sure, there are many people here that use HPS/HID, but if you can turn out great crops with CFL, why add more headache to your setup? If I ran HPS in my closet grows, there is no way I could keep...
  10. moops

    Why throw away the dead leaves?

    i smoke the roots.
  11. moops

    Interesting Article On Bud Color Change

    cold temperatures during lights off will make your plants purple.
  12. moops

    Seeds from the 70s

    Do you have a link to a grow journal? I'd like to follow it if you do.
  13. moops

    Smart Pots

    I saw these in a hydro store - the guy working there said they do some sort of "automatic root pruning" which prevents the plant from becoming rootbound. I don't know, however, if I'm a believer in "rootbound" being a problem rather than other things like light, nutes, etc.
  14. moops

    Help with Thai strain !

    Do the authorities monitor for indoor cultivation in Saudi Arabia? Are power bills checked? Purchase records?
  15. moops

    How do you get bud flavored?

    Adding extracts does not translate to the bud incorporating the flavors or scents of that extract. While we did do the "red celery stalk" thing in first grade, that's the stalk. i just don't see bud tissue incorporating complex mixtures of aromatics (i.e., vanilla).
  16. moops

    Average Yield of YOUR grows?

    I have only done one grow. I got two ounces from that.
  17. moops

    500w cfl grow,isit cool enough?

    how tall will your plants be? i have only used 125-watt CFL bulbs, and am aware they don't penetrate like a HID. are you placing some smaller CFLs around the plants?
  18. moops

    9600 Lumens of CFL for two plants?

    i would say you need more than that for two plants. I reckon that your 4x40 bulbs will do well above the plant - you need, however, lighting next to the plant as well as over it. get at least 4 more of those bulbs so you have 4 around and 4 over. during flowering, go to home depot and get...
  19. moops

    California Conundrum

    Market forces will eliminate the lucrative underground grower presence. But in the long run, I don't see this as a bad thing. Clandestine growers use remote areas in state and national forests/parks. They often damage the area and aren't supposed to be there in the first place. In SoCal these...
  20. moops

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'm don't live in Oz, but I'm curious about your outdoor crops. I presume sativas grow better? And how do they do in the different soil types? How does your outdoor compare to indoor cultivation? I saw dope growing in Nimbin; it seems to do well in that region.