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  1. B

    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    i have 2 nice plants taken from me already in a different spot so im even more jitteri then usual its in a bad spot its goten very big and the trees are starting to drop leaves and expose my yard even more it may got seeds from outher yards or we have hemp fields about 35miles north? or hermi ...
  2. B

    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    I dont have a fence and its 7 feet+
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    ok thanks bulldogman
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    bnc diesel auto that is not auto it was free in with more seeds
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    its barely getting sun now anyway mostly shade now
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    just house light wont be anuff just to keep it going for 2 weeks I cant sleep at night lol
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    neem sorry some one will steal it or call on me
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    this is bad but I need to do something with it can a bring it inside for the last 2 weeks ill spray it with need, its in a pot so its easy all the nieghbours can see it now and im getting freaked out. can i bring it in and let it do its last thing. help
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    there is seed in the plant so the hairs are receding now 2 days or more now. the pistils are almost all gone maybe 20% left visible the rest are small
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    really 2 weeks what do i need to look for without a XXglass
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    my first real grow so im not sure
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    ready yet ? going crazy pics

    need to know pistils just started to disappear and turn red pics are as good as the get for me. let me know thanks this pic is from 2 week ago
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    benefits/disadvantages of taking potted plants indoor at night

    cant be that big i tryed to bring mine in last night and the top crown would of needed to be cut of so I left it out side
  14. B

    time left till H

    thank you just chained a bulldog close to it I dont need more going missing
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    time left till H

    shit just got the news we lost 2 nice plants 2 weeks in flowering bullshit fucking thieves the plant was a free bcn diesel auto not so auto
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    time left till H

    ok cool I was hoping for less people are starting to really like the look if it lol so 1 more feeding next week and then stop just give water ans the purple is just part of the strain thanks
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    time left till H

    I cant relie on guesses I need something more then that should the pistils be gone or brown?
  18. B

    time left till H

    First time grow thanks to Rollitup it has been quite sucessfull. I not sure on time I think 6 weeks of flower and some pistils that are purple should I stop with ferts how much time left till harvest? any tips will help thanks
  19. B

    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    I have a BNC deisel AUTO not auto that has the same purple on some leaves and pistils just some nodes spots have it ? maybe the weather
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    When does ontario grow flower?

    also 905 just started last week or more