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  1. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

    I'm wanting it to be 6am to 6 pm because I leave the house at 630 in the morning then get back from work at 5 to 530 pm. Just didn't want a problem with under watering these girls are drinking a shit load
  2. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

    Yeah I know that's what I'm doin
  3. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

  4. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

    That's what I'm gonna do! Thanks padawan!
  5. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

    Thanks guys I appreciate it!
  6. noob4560

    Lighting with photoperiods

    So I've been on 12 12 for almost one week now 5 am to 5 pm. It's not working with my work schedule and I need to be able to water. Will it hurt the plants or will they have a chance to herm if I switch it to 6am to 6pm
  7. noob4560

    male or female

    this is a male isnt it?
  8. noob4560

    is this plant done?

    yeah its a mars hydro fc 3000. okay so i just did that and yeah theres still a shit load of clrear trichs. it just sucks cause all my other plants are basically done and this one started flowing before them all. gotta do some reaserch next grow so i dont have a staggered harvest
  9. noob4560

    is this plant done?

    so i shouldnt be checking trichomes on the foxtails?? i raised the light higher should i turn it down a notch too? its at 300 watts rn and 18in from plants
  10. noob4560

    is this plant done?

    thanks man i appreciate it!!!!! last time i used nutes was week 4 when i top dressed so she should be already fading out. the browning and yellowing you see was from a soil ph problem around week 6
  11. noob4560

    is this plant done?

    good eye my dude. my other 2 plants trichomes look more milky and amber but the buds on this one just look finished. i have a few grows down and kinda know what im looking for but this plant is just being ridiculous lolol. it is fox tailing thats another reason why i want her chopped smh
  12. noob4560

    is this plant done?

    so this lady has just about looked the same since day 52 and its day 74 now. what do you guys think? chop or wait?
  13. noob4560

    Possible potassium deficiency??

    just had 4 plants showing the same exact look on the leaves. come to find out the soil ph was low. give the ph a check are all these pics of just one plant??
  14. noob4560

    is this ready for harvest??

    Thank you! Just using dry amendments no flush or anything just been giving her water but she's fading really fast so she's used up everything the soil has to feed her. But I actually have 3 more. Ima do what you said and watch for leaf die back until i have to chop her!
  15. noob4560

    is this ready for harvest??

    this is purple kush it was a free seed. buds look ripe to me. what should i do??
  16. noob4560

    spots.. plz give feedback

    I found out what the problem was. The soil ph was way off
  17. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    Do you ever have ph drops like I did? 6.3 is where I want to be. Do you have any experience using lime to raise ph??
  18. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    I will look into them for sure!
  19. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    So the soil ph in all plants were under 5.3. But I WAS going to add gypsum if ph was fine because I thought spots were from calcium and because gypsum supposedly loosens soil.
  20. noob4560

    what should my water ph be while growing in peat moss?

    yes it has got way worse. im starting to thank that the issue is due to over watering and compact soil so ill be cutting back the amount of water i give them and adding in gypsum to try to loosen the soil alittle. i also bought a blue lab ph pen for soil just in case thats the actual issue. but...