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  1. R


    i have just bought some salvia off the internet. does anyone have any salvia stories to share
  2. R

    Just A Question

    agree it makes sense
  3. R


    Hello how are you today
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    15 mins to police come - threatnd :D

    a wanker is someone that plays with their dick
  5. R

    what have you grown outdoors in the uk

    yea it wasnt very successfull though i will have to try harder next time :mrgreen:
  6. R

    Outdoor Paranoia

    get some hanging baskets and put them high in trees
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    what have you grown outdoors in the uk

    wow this thread is popular
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    what have you grown outdoors in the uk

    hi everyone i was just wandering what you have grown outdoors in the uk and how well it worked. thanks in advance for your replies
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    Swiss Miss

    Has anyone here ever grown or smoked swiss miss. i am planning on growing a couple next year and i was just wandering how much bud you get and is it a good smoke. thanks in advance for your replies
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    growing as a living

    Growing as a living gets you in prison. i wouldnt do it for a living.
  11. R

    Important Question!!!Please Help

    i would suggest putting other plants in there as well to camouflage your weed
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    outdoors in the uk

    hi everyone i am planning on doing some gardening next year in the uk. i was wandering if you could be kind enough to tell me what plants you have grown outdoors in the uk and how well they worked. thanks in advance
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    guerilla 2009

    thank you everyone for your replies i have a grow spot in the middle of a shit load of nettles i have already dug a few holes and dragged some bags of horse shit through the forest at 3 in the morning. i want to have everything ready for next year. does anyone recommend a kind of compost
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    guerilla 2009

    thanks for the tips what would you class as too much in one area
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    guerilla 2009

    Hi everyone i am planning on growing outdoors next year in scotland. i would very much appreciate any tips you have and if anyone knows of a really good growing guide could you please reply with a link to the guide also if anyone has grown in the uk outdoors could you please tell me which kind...
  16. R

    planting seed

    Hi all i live in the uk and i have came across some seeds for outdoor growing. is It too late to plant them at this time of year.the first frost here is usually early november. Many thanks in advance for your replies